[Idle-dev] CVS: idle PyParse.py,1.4,1.5
Kurt B. Kaiser
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 20:55:15 -0700
Update of /cvsroot/idlefork/idle
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16222
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Merge Py Idle changes:
Rev 1.10 doerwalter
(string methods)
Index: PyParse.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/PyParse.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** PyParse.py 14 Jul 2001 04:59:24 -0000 1.4
--- PyParse.py 17 Sep 2002 03:55:13 -0000 1.5
*** 1,3 ****
- import string
import re
import sys
--- 1,2 ----
*** 8,12 ****
if 0: # for throwaway debugging output
def dump(*stuff):
! sys.__stdout__.write(string.join(map(str, stuff), " ") + "\n")
# Find what looks like the start of a popular stmt.
--- 7,11 ----
if 0: # for throwaway debugging output
def dump(*stuff):
! sys.__stdout__.write(" ".join(map(str, stuff)) + "\n")
# Find what looks like the start of a popular stmt.
*** 104,108 ****
for ch in "\"'\\\n#":
_tran[ord(ch)] = ch
! _tran = string.join(_tran, '')
del ch
--- 103,107 ----
for ch in "\"'\\\n#":
_tran[ord(ch)] = ch
! _tran = ''.join(_tran)
del ch
*** 154,158 ****
def find_good_parse_start(self, use_ps1, is_char_in_string=None,
- _rfind=string.rfind,
str, pos = self.str, None
--- 153,156 ----
*** 160,164 ****
# shell window
ps1 = '\n' + sys.ps1
! i = _rfind(str, ps1)
if i >= 0:
pos = i + len(ps1)
--- 158,162 ----
# shell window
ps1 = '\n' + sys.ps1
! i = str.rfind(ps1)
if i >= 0:
pos = i + len(ps1)
*** 179,186 ****
limit = len(str)
for tries in range(5):
! i = _rfind(str, ":\n", 0, limit)
if i < 0:
! i = _rfind(str, '\n', 0, i) + 1 # start of colon line
m = _synchre(str, i, limit)
if m and not is_char_in_string(m.start()):
--- 177,184 ----
limit = len(str)
for tries in range(5):
! i = str.rfind(":\n", 0, limit)
if i < 0:
! i = str.rfind('\n', 0, i) + 1 # start of colon line
m = _synchre(str, i, limit)
if m and not is_char_in_string(m.start()):
*** 227,231 ****
# Creates self.{goodlines, continuation}.
! def _study1(self, _replace=string.replace, _find=string.find):
if self.study_level >= 1:
--- 225,229 ----
# Creates self.{goodlines, continuation}.
! def _study1(self):
if self.study_level >= 1:
*** 237,246 ****
# by a factor of 10-40, and so greatly speed the following loop.
str = self.str
! str = string.translate(str, _tran)
! str = _replace(str, 'xxxxxxxx', 'x')
! str = _replace(str, 'xxxx', 'x')
! str = _replace(str, 'xx', 'x')
! str = _replace(str, 'xx', 'x')
! str = _replace(str, '\nx', '\n')
# note that replacing x\n with \n would be incorrect, because
# x may be preceded by a backslash
--- 235,244 ----
# by a factor of 10-40, and so greatly speed the following loop.
str = self.str
! str = str.translate(_tran)
! str = str.replace('xxxxxxxx', 'x')
! str = str.replace('xxxx', 'x')
! str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
! str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
! str = str.replace('\nx', '\n')
# note that replacing x\n with \n would be incorrect, because
# x may be preceded by a backslash
*** 323,327 ****
if ch == '#':
# consume the comment
! i = _find(str, '\n', i)
assert i >= 0
--- 321,325 ----
if ch == '#':
# consume the comment
! i = str.find('\n', i)
assert i >= 0
*** 364,369 ****
# if continuation is C_BRACKET, index of last open bracket
! def _study2(self, _rfind=string.rfind, _find=string.find,
! _ws=string.whitespace):
if self.study_level >= 2:
--- 362,366 ----
# if continuation is C_BRACKET, index of last open bracket
! def _study2(self):
if self.study_level >= 2:
*** 382,386 ****
for nothing in range(goodlines[i-1], goodlines[i]):
# tricky: sets p to 0 if no preceding newline
! p = _rfind(str, '\n', 0, p-1) + 1
# The stmt str[p:q] isn't a continuation, but may be blank
# or a non-indenting comment line.
--- 379,383 ----
for nothing in range(goodlines[i-1], goodlines[i]):
# tricky: sets p to 0 if no preceding newline
! p = str.rfind('\n', 0, p-1) + 1
# The stmt str[p:q] isn't a continuation, but may be blank
# or a non-indenting comment line.
*** 445,449 ****
if ch == '#':
# consume comment and trailing newline
! p = _find(str, '\n', p, q) + 1
assert p > 0
--- 442,446 ----
if ch == '#':
# consume comment and trailing newline
! p = str.find('\n', p, q) + 1
assert p > 0
*** 466,470 ****
# of spaces the next line should be indented.
! def compute_bracket_indent(self, _find=string.find):
assert self.continuation == C_BRACKET
--- 463,467 ----
# of spaces the next line should be indented.
! def compute_bracket_indent(self):
assert self.continuation == C_BRACKET
*** 472,476 ****
str = self.str
n = len(str)
! origi = i = string.rfind(str, '\n', 0, j) + 1
j = j+1 # one beyond open bracket
# find first list item; set i to start of its line
--- 469,473 ----
str = self.str
n = len(str)
! origi = i = str.rfind('\n', 0, j) + 1
j = j+1 # one beyond open bracket
# find first list item; set i to start of its line
*** 483,487 ****
# this line is junk; advance to next line
! i = j = _find(str, '\n', j) + 1
# nothing interesting follows the bracket;
--- 480,484 ----
# this line is junk; advance to next line
! i = j = str.find('\n', j) + 1
# nothing interesting follows the bracket;
*** 491,496 ****
j = j+1
extra = self.indentwidth
! return len(string.expandtabs(str[i:j],
! self.tabwidth)) + extra
# Return number of physical lines in last stmt (whether or not
--- 488,492 ----
j = j+1
extra = self.indentwidth
! return len(str[i:j].expandtabs(self.tabwidth)) + extra
# Return number of physical lines in last stmt (whether or not
*** 518,522 ****
# See whether the initial line starts an assignment stmt; i.e.,
# look for an = operator
! endpos = string.find(str, '\n', startpos) + 1
found = level = 0
while i < endpos:
--- 514,518 ----
# See whether the initial line starts an assignment stmt; i.e.,
# look for an = operator
! endpos = str.find('\n', startpos) + 1
found = level = 0
while i < endpos:
*** 554,559 ****
i = i+1
! return len(string.expandtabs(str[self.stmt_start :
! i],
self.tabwidth)) + 1
--- 550,554 ----
i = i+1
! return len(str[self.stmt_start:i].expandtabs(\
self.tabwidth)) + 1