[Idle-dev] info about your account

billingugkt@bitnow.net billingugkt@bitnow.net
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:11:32 -0500

<HTML><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B><I>How would you like to earn $50 or more for completing a short survey?<BR>
What about $100 for an hour of your time participating in a focus group?</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B></I><BR>
&nbsp; <A HREF="http://www.godfreyonline.net/alas/">Click Here To Sign Uo Today!</A><BR>
<B><I>Your time and opinions are valuable - you just need to know<BR>
which companies are willing to pay you for them. </B></I><BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B><I>Our membership program provides....<BR>
- An updated database of hundreds of paid survey, focus group, <BR>
and market research companies<BR>
- Unlimited access - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B></I><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://www.godfreyonline.net/alas/">Click Here To Sign up Today!</A><BR>
<B><I>This is a great way to boost your income, with minimal effort.&nbsp; Best of<BR>
all, you can participate in as many surveys or focus groups as you choose!</B></I></FONT></HTML>