[Idle-dev] CVS: idle PyShell.py,1.71,1.72 config-main.def,1.17,1.18 run.py,1.19,1.20

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 27 May 2003 18:47:49 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/idlefork/idle
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv2014

Modified Files:
	PyShell.py config-main.def run.py 
Log Message:
Added a config-main General option to delete sys.exitfunc.  The default
is not to do that.  VPython and student environment support.

M PyShell.py
M config-main.def
M run.py

Index: PyShell.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/PyShell.py,v
retrieving revision 1.71
retrieving revision 1.72
diff -C2 -r1.71 -r1.72
*** PyShell.py	26 May 2003 22:20:32 -0000	1.71
--- PyShell.py	28 May 2003 01:47:46 -0000	1.72
*** 313,316 ****
--- 313,317 ----
          self.save_warnings_filters = None
          self.restarting = False
+         self.subprocess_arglist = self.build_subprocess_arglist()
      port = 8833
*** 319,323 ****
      def spawn_subprocess(self):
!         args = self.build_subprocess_arglist()
          self.rpcpid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args)
--- 320,324 ----
      def spawn_subprocess(self):
!         args = self.subprocess_arglist
          self.rpcpid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args)
*** 327,334 ****
          # or maybe it's not installed and the idle.py script is being
          # run from the IDLE source directory.
          if __name__ == 'idlelib.PyShell':
!             command = "__import__('idlelib.run').run.main()"
!             command = "__import__('run').main()"
          return [sys.executable] + w + ["-c", command, str(self.port)]
--- 328,337 ----
          # or maybe it's not installed and the idle.py script is being
          # run from the IDLE source directory.
+         del_exitf = idleConf.GetOption('main', 'General', 'delete-exitfunc',
+                                        default=False, type='bool')
          if __name__ == 'idlelib.PyShell':
!             command = "__import__('idlelib.run').run.main(" + `del_exitf` +")"
!             command = "__import__('run').main(" + `del_exitf` + ")"
          return [sys.executable] + w + ["-c", command, str(self.port)]

Index: config-main.def
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/config-main.def,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -r1.17 -r1.18
*** config-main.def	26 May 2003 20:35:53 -0000	1.17
--- config-main.def	28 May 2003 01:47:46 -0000	1.18
*** 44,47 ****
--- 44,48 ----
  print-command-posix=lpr %s
  print-command-win=start /min notepad /p %s
+ delete-exitfunc= 0

Index: run.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/run.py,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -C2 -r1.19 -r1.20
*** run.py	24 May 2003 20:59:15 -0000	1.19
--- run.py	28 May 2003 01:47:46 -0000	1.20
*** 25,29 ****
  quitting = False
! def main():
      """Start the Python execution server in a subprocess
--- 25,29 ----
  quitting = False
! def main(del_exitfunc=False):
      """Start the Python execution server in a subprocess
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,50 ----
      global exit_now
      global quitting
+     global no_exitfunc
+     no_exitfunc = del_exitfunc
      port = 8833
      if sys.argv[1:]:
*** 58,62 ****
              if exit_now:
!                     sys.exit(0)
                  except KeyboardInterrupt:
                      # exiting but got an extra KBI? Try again!
--- 60,64 ----
              if exit_now:
!                     exit()
                  except KeyboardInterrupt:
                      # exiting but got an extra KBI? Try again!
*** 84,88 ****
                  # Link didn't work, print same exception to __stderr__
                  traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb, file=sys.__stderr__)
!                 sys.exit(0)
--- 86,90 ----
                  # Link didn't work, print same exception to __stderr__
                  traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb, file=sys.__stderr__)
!                 exit()
*** 160,163 ****
--- 162,175 ----
+ def exit():
+     """Exit subprocess, possibly after first deleting sys.exitfunc
+     If config-main.cfg/.def 'General' 'delete-exitfunc' is True, then any
+     sys.exitfunc will be removed before exiting.  (VPython support)
+     """
+     if no_exitfunc:
+         del sys.exitfunc
+     sys.exit(0)
  class MyRPCServer(rpc.RPCServer):
*** 187,191 ****
              print>>erf, '\n*** Unrecoverable, server exiting!'
              print>>erf, '-'*40
!             sys.exit(0)
--- 199,203 ----
              print>>erf, '\n*** Unrecoverable, server exiting!'
              print>>erf, '-'*40
!             exit()
*** 230,234 ****
              if quitting:
!                 sys.exit(0)
              # even print a user code SystemExit exception, continue
--- 242,246 ----
              if quitting:
!                 exit()
              # even print a user code SystemExit exception, continue