[Idle-dev] (IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor) in IDLE for Python 2.3.4 (final)

Dragonfirebane at aol.com Dragonfirebane at aol.com
Thu Jul 1 07:00:50 EDT 2004

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
##                              Multivert                               ##

##                                                                      ##
##  To - Do:                                                            ##
##  --------                                                            ##
##                                                                      ##
##  1.  Get converthex(whichconv) to work.  CHECK                       ##
##  2.  Change convertnum(whichconv) and convertbin(whichconv) so that  ##
##      when a carat (^) is seen, that number goes up by enough so that ##
##      it is considered uppercase.                                     ##
##  3.  Treat decimal numbers separated by a space as separate          ##
##      (original.split()) so that each separate unit can be converted  ##
##      to its own letter (includes removing int(original) tests early  ##
##      on).    CHECK                                                   ##
##  4.  Implement change in spaces around punctuation in all modules so ##
##      that 3 will work.                                               ##
##  5.  Allow a calculation to be performed after a conversion          ##
##      until user declines.    CHECK                                   ##
##  6.  Allow convertbin(whichconv) to recognize punctuation.           ##
##  7.  Print '\xba' (degrees sign) from string.letters when character  ##
##      or number isn't recognized (or '[?]' . . . probably easier to   ##
##      do that one).                                                   ##
##  8.  Allow default of 10 in multiplication (calc(manip)).    CHECK   ##
##  9.  If no conversions(/calculations), don't prompt for seeing all   ##
##      of said manipulations.  CHECK                                   ##
##                                                                      ##

##to see comments, maximize window or scroll all the way to the right
def calc(manip):
    global counter
    global allcalc
    if manip == 'exponents':
        base = float(raw_input("Please enter the base. "))
        expon = float(raw_input("Please enter the exponent. "))
        results = base ** expon
        Sitemlist = []
        Sitemlist.append("%d to the power of %d equals %d." % (base, expon, results))
        Sitemlist = ''.join(Sitemlist)
        print Sitemlist
        allcalc.append('____Calculation %d: . . . ' % counter + Sitemlist)
        manip = 'end'
    elif manip == 'multiplication':
        leng = int(raw_input("Please enter number of items to be multiplied: "))
        itemlist = []
        item1 = float(raw_input("Please enter first item to multiply: "))
        Sitemlist = []
        for i in range (1, leng):
                item2 = float(raw_input("Please enter next item to multiply (default is 10): "))
            except ValueError:
                item2 = 10
        for x in itemlist[:]:
                results = itemlist[0] * itemlist[1]
                itemlist.insert(0, results)
            except IndexError:
        Sitemlist = ' times '.join(Sitemlist)
        Sitemlist += ' equals ' + str(results) + '.'
        print Sitemlist
        allcalc.append('____Calculation %d: . . . ' % counter + str(Sitemlist))
        manip = 'end'
    elif manip == 'division':
        leng = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of items to be divided: "))
        itemlist = []
        item1 = float(raw_input("Please enter number to divide. "))
        Sitemlist = []
        for i in range (1, leng):
                item2 = float(raw_input("Please enter number to divide by (default is 10). "))
            except ValueError:
                item2 = 10.0
        for x in itemlist[:]:
                results = itemlist[0] / itemlist[1]
                itemlist.insert(0, results)
            except IndexError:
        Sitemlist = ' divided by '.join(Sitemlist)
        Sitemlist += ' equals ' + str(results) + '.'
        print Sitemlist
        allcalc.append('____Calculation %d: . . . ' % counter + str(Sitemlist))
        manip = 'end'
    elif manip == 'addition':
        manip = 'end'
    elif manip == 'subtraction':
        manip = 'end'
    if manip == 'end':
        more = raw_input("Would you like to perform more calculations [y/n]? ")
        if more in 'Yy':
        elif more in 'Nn':
            global again
            conv = raw_input("Would you like to perform a conversion [y/n]? ")
            if conv in 'Yy':
                global cal
                cal = 'conversion'
            elif conv in 'Nn':
                again = False
def convertbin(whichconv):
    global res
    global original
    original = original.split()
    m = 0
    for x in original:
        if whichconv == 'Decimal':
            asNum = str(long(str(original[m]),2))
            res += asNum
            res += ' '
            m += 1
        elif whichconv == 'Hexadecimal':
            asHex = str(long(str(original[m]),2))
            if int(asHex) <= 0:
                res += '-'
                asHex = -int(asHex)
            asHex = "%X" % int(asHex)
            res += asHex
            res += ' '
            m += 1
        elif whichconv == 'Text':
                asNum = str(long(str(original[m]),2))
                if int(asNum) == 0:
                    res += '%s' % chr(int(asNum) + 32)
                elif 0 < int(asNum) <= 26:
                    res += '%s' % chr(int(asNum) + 96)
                elif 26 < int(asNum) <= 52:
                    res += '%s' % chr(int(asNum) + 38)
            except ValueError:
                global original
                if x in punct:
                    res += x
                    for char in x:
                        if char == '^':
                            x = ' '.join(x)
                            x = x.split()
                            x = ''.join(x)
                            asNum = int(long(str(x),2))
                            asNum += 26
                            asOctal = "%o" % int(asNum)
                            original[m] = ''
                            for char in asOctal:
                                original[m] += str(binary[char])
                            original[m] = str(original[m])
                            m -= 1
##                    res += '\xba'
            m += 1
            print """Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number.
Please enter only numbers between one and 26
def convertnum(whichconv):                                                                          ##converts numbers
    from string import split
    if whichconv == 'Binary':                                                                       ##if user wants to convert to binary
        global original
        original = original.split()
        q = 0
        for char in original:
            asBin = str(original[q])
            if int(asBin) <= 0:                                                                      ##if negative number entered
                global res                                                                              ##since res is redefined, tells python to use global res and not try to create a local one
                res += '-'                                                                              ##adds a minus sign to res
                asBin = -int(asBin)                                                               ##converts original to a positive number
                int(asBin)                                                                           ##currently redundant, eventually to discriminate between numbers and punctation
            except ValueError:
                x = 0
                for char in original:
                    if char in punct:
                        res += char
                    x += 1
                asOctal = "%o" % int(asBin)
                for char in asOctal:
                    res += str(binary[char])
            q += 1
            res += ' '
    elif whichconv == 'Hexadecimal':                                                                ##if user wants to convert to hex
        original = original.split()
        x = 0
        for char in original:
            asHex = str(original[x])
            if int(asHex) <= 0:                                                                      ##global res/original already in module
                res += '-'
                asHex = -int(asHex)
            asHex = "%X" % int(asHex)
            res += asHex
            res += ' '
            x += 1
    elif whichconv == 'Text':                                                                       ##if user wants to convert to text (only works one letter at a time)
        original = original.split()
        x = 0
        for char in original:
            asText = str(original[x])
            if int(asText) == 0:                                                                      ##if number is 0
                res += '%s' % chr(int(asText) + 32)                                                   ##adds a space to res 
            elif 0 < int(asText) <= 26:                                                               ##if the number is 1-26
                res += '%s' % chr(int(asText) + 96)                                                   ##prints corresponding letter
            elif 26 < int(asText) <= 52:                                                              ##if number is between 26 and 52
                res += '%s' % chr(int(asText) + 38)                                                   ##prints corresponding letter
            else:                                                                                       ##if its not one of those numbers
                print """Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number.
Please enter only numbers between 0 and 26.
"""                                                                                                 ##prints message
            x += 1
def converthex(whichconv):
    global res
    global original
    original = original.split()
    m = 0
    for x in original:
        if whichconv == 'Binary':
            asBin = str(long(str(original[m]),16))
            if int(asBin) <= 0:
                res += '-'
                asBin = -int(asBin)
                int(asBin)                                                                           ##currently redundant, eventually to discriminate between numbers and punctation
            except ValueError:
                x = 0
                for char in original:
                    if char in punct:
                        res += char
                    x += 1
                asOctal = "%o" % int(asBin)
                for char in asOctal:
                    res += str(binary[char])
        elif whichconv == 'Decimal':
            asNum = str(long(str(original[m]),16))
            res += asNum
            res += ' '
            m += 1
        elif whichconv == 'Text':
            asNum = str(long(str(original[m]),16))
            if int(asNum) == 0:
                res += '%s' % chr(int(asNum) + 32)
            elif 0 < int(asNum) <= 26:
                res += '%s' % chr(int(asNum) + 96)
            elif 26 < int(asNum) <= 52:
                res += '%s' % chr(int(original) + 38)
            m += 1
            print """Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number.
Please enter only numbers between one and 26
def convertxt(whichconv):
    global res                                                                                      ##results list is modified, so this tells python to use the global list and not create a local one
    if whichconv == 'Binary':
        from string import split                                                                    ##so split and join work
        for char in original:                                                                       ##loops over the entire entry
            x = 0                                                                                   ##allows checking every character against the entire alphabet list
            if char in punct:                                                                       ##if character is punctuation
                res += char                                                                         ##adds punctuation
                res += ' '
            elif char in alphabet:                                                                  ##if the character is in the alphabet
                while x == 0:
                    if char in alphabet[x]:
                        asOctal = "%o" % int(ord(char) - 32)
                        for char in asOctal:
                            res += binary[char]
                        res += ' '
                    x += 1
                while 0 < x <= 26:                                                                  ##if the character is  a lowercase letter or space
                    if char in alphabet[x]:                                                         ##redundant. only there to allow x += 1 to stay inside the while loop but outside the ifs
                        asOctal = "%o" % int(ord(char) - 96)                                        ##converts alphabet number (a = 1) to an unsigned octal
                        for char in asOctal:                                                        ##for character in resulting octal
                            res += binary[char]                                                     ##add the corresponding entry in the binary list to the res list
                        if char not in punct:                                                       ##if the character isn't punctuation
                            res += ' '                                                              ##add a space at the end to separate numbers
                    x += 1                                                                          ##adds 1 to the value of x so the loop doesnt go on forever
                while 26 < x <= 52:                                                                 ##if the character is an uppercase letter
                    if char in alphabet[x]:                                                         ##if the character is in the alphabet dictionary
                        res += '^'
                        asOctal = "%o" % int(ord(char) - 64)                                        ##converts alphabet number (A = 1) to an unsigned octal
                        for char in asOctal:
                            res += binary[char]
                        if char not in punct:
                            res += ' '
                    x += 1
    elif whichconv == 'Hexadecimal':                                                                ##convert text to hexadecimal
        from string import split
        for char in original:
            x = 0    
            if char in punct:
                res = split(res)                                    
                res.append(' ')                                     
                del res[-1]                                         
                res = ' '.join(res)                                 
                res += char                                         
            elif char in alphabet:
                while x == 0:
                    if char in alphabet[x]:
                        asHex = "%X" % int(ord(char) - 32)
                        res += asHex
                        res += ' '
                    x += 1
                while 0 < x <= 26:
                    if char in alphabet[x]:  
                        asHex = "%X" % int(ord(char) - 96)                                          ##convert alphabet number to corresponding Hexadecimal number
                        res += asHex                                                                ##add hexadecimal number to string
                        if char not in punct:
                            res += ' '
                    x += 1
                while 26 < x <= 52:
                    if char in alphabet[x]:
                        res += '^'
                        asHex = "%X" % int(ord(char) - 64)                                          ##convert alphabet number to corresponding hex number
                        res += asHex  
                        if char not in punct:     
                            res += ' '  
                    x += 1   
    elif whichconv == 'Decimal':                                                                    ##convert text to decimal
        from string import split
        for char in original:
            x = 0
            if char in punct:
                res = split(res)                                    
                res.append(' ')                                     
                del res[-1]                                         
                res = ' '.join(res)                                 
                res += char                                         
            elif char in alphabet:
                while x <= 52:   
                    if x == 0:
                        if char == alphabet[x]:                                                     ##if character is a space
                            res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 32)                                       ##add a space to the string
                            if char not in punct:
                                res += ' '
                        x += 1
                    elif 0 < x <= 26:                                                               ##if character is a lowercase letter
                        if char in alphabet[x]:
                            res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 96)                                       ##add corresponding number to string
                            if char not in punct:     
                                res += ' '  
                        x += 1   
                    elif 26 < x <= 52:                                                              ##if character is an uppercase letter
                        if char in alphabet[x]:  
                            res += '^'
                            res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 64)                                       ##add corresponding number to string
                            if char not in punct:     
                                res += ' '  
                        x += 1   
import time                                                                                         ##for time.sleep(1.1) at end
import string                                                                                       ##for split(res), etc. in convertxt modules.
alphabet = ' ' + string.ascii_letters                                                               ##define alphabet string
punct = string.punctuation                                                                          ##define punctation string
binary = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010','3':'011','4':'100','5':'101','6':'110','7':'111'}          ##define the binary dictionary
number = string.digits

starmenu = {'1':'Binary','2':'Decimal','3':'Hexadecimal','4':'Text'}
bconmenu = {'1':'Decimal','2':'Hexadecimal','3':'Text'}
dconmenu = {'1':'Binary','2':'Hexadecimal','3':'Text'}
hconmenu = {'1':'Binary','2':'Decimal','3':'Text'}
tconmenu = {'1':'Binary','2':'Decimal','3':'Hexadecimal'}
counter = 1
manip = ''
allcalc = []
allconv = ''                                                                                        ##defines string containing all conversions
res = ''                                                                                            ##defines string containing single conversion
i = 0                                                                                               ##beginning condition for loop
again = True
print """What would you like to do:
1:  Calculation
2:  Conversion
3:  Exit"""
cal = raw_input("...    ")
if cal == '1':
    cal = 'calculation'
if cal == '2':
    cal = 'conversion'
if cal == '3':
    cal = 'none'
while again:
    if cal == 'calculation':
        print """Please enter intended manipulation:
1:  Exponents
2:  Multiplication
3:  Division
4:  Addition
5:  Subtraction
6:  None"""
        manip = raw_input("...    ")
        if manip == '1':
            manip = 'exponents'
        if manip == '2':
            manip = 'multiplication'
        if manip == '3':
            manip = 'division'
        if manip == '4':
            manip = 'addition'
        if manip == '5':
            manip = 'subtraction'
        if manip == '6':
        counter += 1
    if cal == 'conversion':
        res = ''                                                                                    ##empties the string so each conversion begins w/ an empty string
        print """Which type of text would you like to convert?
1:  Binary
2:  Decimal
3:  Hexadecimal
4:  Text"""
        startype = raw_input("...    ")
        original = raw_input("Please enter %s to be converted. " % starmenu[startype].lower())      ##enter input to be converted
        startype = starmenu[startype]
        if startype == 'Binary':
            print """Convert to:
1:  Decimal
2:  Hexadecimal
3:  Text"""
            whichconv = raw_input("...    ")
            whichconv = bconmenu[whichconv]
            print res
        elif startype == 'Decimal':
            print """Convert to:
1:  Binary
2:  Hexadecimal
3:  Text"""
            whichconv = raw_input("...    ")                                                                                            ##which conversion?
            whichconv = dconmenu[whichconv]
            convertnum(whichconv)                                                                   ##convert numbers to whatever
            print res                                                                               ##print string containing conversion
        elif startype == 'Hexadecimal':
            print """Convert to:
1:  Binary
2:  Decimal
3:  Text"""
            whichconv = raw_input("...    ")
            whichconv = hconmenu[whichconv]
            print res
        elif startype == 'Text':
            print """Convert to:
1:  Binary
2:  Decimal
3:  Hexadecimal"""
            whichconv = raw_input("...    ")                                                                                            ##which conversion?
            whichconv = tconmenu[whichconv]
            print res                                                                               ##print the string containing the conversion
        i += 1
        original = ' '.join(str(original))
        allconv += ' ____Conversion %d: . . . ' % i + startype + ' => ' + whichconv + ' ... "' + original + '" => "' + res + '"'
                                                                                                    ##outside of try-except-else, inside while; adds each conversion to a master conversion list per session
        more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")                  ##more?
        if more in 'Yy':                                                                            ##if so, continue loop
        elif more in 'Nn':                                                                          ##if not,
            calcu = raw_input("Would you like to perform a calculation [y/n]? ")
            if calcu in 'Yy':
                cal = 'calculation'
            elif calcu in 'Nn':
                again = False                                                                       ##break loop
    if cal == 'none':
    if cal not in ('calculation', 'conversion','none'):
        cal = raw_input("""You may either perform a conversion or a calculation.
Please enter which one you would like to do: """)
allcon = 'a'
allcal = 'a'
if allcalc == []:
    allcal = ''
if allconv == '':
    allcal = ''
if allcal != '':
        callcalcon = raw_input("""Would you like to see all the calculations and conversions
performed during this session [y/n]? """)
        if callcalcon in 'Yy':
            print ''.join(allcalc) + allconv
        elif callcalcon in 'Nn':
elif allcal == '':
    if allconv != '':
        callconv = raw_input("""Would you like to see all the conversions performed during
this session [y/n]? """)
        if callconv in 'Yy':
            print allconv
        elif callcalcon in 'Nn':
    elif allconv == '':
        callcalc = raw_input("""Would you like to see all the calculations performed during
this session [y/n]? """)
        if callcalc in 'Yy':
            print ''.join(allcalc)
    exit = raw_input("""Hit enter or control-c to exit.
... """)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close."                                   ##loop broken, prints message
time.sleep(1.1)                                                                                     ##waits for 1.1 seconds so message can be read
                                                                                                    ##end of program; program closes

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