[Idle-dev] put idle on github?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Jul 27 02:34:12 CEST 2015

On 7/24/2015 6:22 PM, Sean Felipe Wolfe wrote:
> Hello IDLE-ers,
> I'm considering putting a copy of the idle code on github, to leverage
> the excellent tools that platform provides and be able to incorporate
> various fixes that have been discussed but not implemented in the
> standard distribution as of yet.

There are two competing proposals to revamp the CPython development 
process.  One, I believe, is to move everything to git (and, I guess) 
github).  The other is to integrate more tools on our own servers.  I 
believe better integration with git(hub) would also be included with the 
latter.  Brett Cannon is in charge of consulting with devs and making a 
decision, but he has been delayed due to moving.

> A few questions then:
> b) would it help make idle improvements easier to access ?

There is already a mirror on github that can be used to access any 
current repository files, including Idlelib.

 > c) is there a better platform, ie. launchpad or bitbucket?

I think launchpad is out of the running.  Some would prefer bitbucket to 
stay with hg.

Terry Jan Reedy

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