[Idle-dev] Fwd: [Tutor] Help needed configuring IDLE

Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin beni.cherniavsky at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 05:07:50 EST 2019

вс, 24 нояб. 2019 г. в 23:23, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu>:

> The default save location for unsaved Shell windows, an windows opened
> from them, depends on the OS and how it is installed.  For me, on
> Windows, it is the directory containing the python?.exe or pythonw.exe
> running IDLE.  From the screenshot, you are working on macOS, and there
> the default default, ~/Documents, is better.  It has been proposed to
> match that on other systems.  Making this default default user
> configurable would be a further enhancement.
> At least on Linux, when I run `idle2` / `idle3` from a terminal, it seems
the default location (for Shell window and windows opened from it)
is the current working directory it was launched from.

So try launching idle from the directory you want to use?

I suppose the "how it is installed" defaults Terry described above are
when launching it from graphical menu / shortcut.
I know Windows start menu shortcuts have editable working directory;
don't know about Mac but worst case you could write a shell script:

idle3 "$@"

and create a launch icon for that...
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