[Idle-dev] Latest IDLE - Instant crash on Windows 10 / Python 3.7.4 x64

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Sep 17 16:00:14 EDT 2019

On 9/16/2019 11:41 AM, György Deák wrote:

> 1. Start IDLE
> 2. Copy any emoji (tried with "pile of poo" and "dog")

Must be an emoji outside the Basic Multiligual Plane (and most are) such 
as 🐱 or 🐍

> 3. Paste it to IDLE
> 4. Crash

IDLE exits because of an uncaught exception in tk mainloop.  To see 
this, start IDLE in a console/terminal with 'python -m idlelib'. 
Techically, this is not a crash.  No consolation to the user.

This is a known issue https://bugs.python.org/issue13153.  Fix is not 
yet known.  I just tried the diff from a few years ago.  Same error.

Terry Jan Reedy

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