[Idle-dev] Big change to IDLE Shell

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu May 6 19:29:24 EDT 2021

On 5/6/2021 12:29 PM, André Roberge wrote:

> This is just a quick report after a brief test. I just **love** the way 
> the prompt is now shown. I am convinced that beginners will be much less 
> confused with understanding indentation when using IDLE.
> I also did a quick test with friendly (formally known as 
> friendly-traceback) and can happily report that support for custom 
> excepthook appears to have been unaffected by the latest changes.

Please see my other followup post.  When code is run in the system 
console/terminal, name and attribute error messages may be augmented 
with a suggestion at to what one meant.  These hints are not directly 
accessible from python code.  But we figured out how to get them 
indirectly (https://bugs.python.org/issue44026).  My other post has an 
example using the current version of the patch.

> I will do more testing in the near future (and likely do a brief demo 
> during a presentation at the upcoming PyCon Education Summit). I do not 
> plan to report further on this list unless I find problems.

When we backport to 3.9, I would like to inform educators that they 
might want to upgrade to 3.9.5 or 3.10 when released.  I will be happy 
for you to start the process.  I will ask you later for advice.

> Thank you all for the work done to constantly improve IDLE.

Thank you for the feedback.

Terry Jan Reedy

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