[Image-SIG] Lost JPEG decoder

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 13:56:56 +0100

>Howdy!  I just installed PIL 0.3a4 on a FreeBSD system and am having
>problems getting the JPG decoder to work.  I installed the IJG KPEG library
>version 6b on the system already and it is located in
>/usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a as well as /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.so.6.0 ...

When you build libImaging.a, make sure that the ./configure
script really managed to find your library

-- if it says "yes" when you run it, everything's fine (but I don't
   think it does)
-- if not, check the config.log file for details.  if you cannot work
   around this, you have to edit ImConfig.h by hand to enable JPEG
   support in libImaging

>>>> im = Image.open('airshow.jpg')

This doesn't require the JPEG library...

>>>> im.format
>>>> im.size
>(500, 339)
>>>> im.mode
>>>> im.resize( (128,128) )

but this one does: the raster data isn't read until you try to
do something with it...

>IOError: decoder jpeg not available

and this means that libImaging wasn't compiled with JPEG

Cheers /F