[Image-SIG] Hi...
Hannu Krosing
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 01:01:17 +0300
Gerardo Alberto González Urtecho wrote:
> Hannu Krosing wrote:
> > Gerardo Alberto González Urtecho wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi, I am newer in Python, and I am doing in a C module. I finished it. I
> > > need work with this module in Python, but I don't know how link it to
> > > Python. Someone that want teach me??...
> >
> > It's all in the "Extending and Embedding Python" manual:
> >
> > http://www.python.org/doc/ext/ext.html
> >
> > -------------------
> > Hannu
> Thanks... but I read this document and I could not do anything.
> Maybe, I don't understand, but the method that explain in the "Extending and
> Embedding Python" manual, I could not do because the diectories structure is
> not the same that say the manual.
> I am work with Windows NT and Python for Windows. I see that Python for
> Windows work different of Python for Unix.
If your module source is ok, then the only thing that has to be done is
jour sourcein Modules directory and adding a line to setup.
I doubt it is any different in windows, but I have no experience doing
this in
windows, so maybe you are better served if you ask the question in
comp.lang.python (and explain that you have the problem in Windows)