[Image-SIG] compressed TIFF images
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 18:53:40 -0600
While I agree that using lib-tiff directly would be very desirable, the
problem mentioned would still exist in most cases.
The TIFF format supports a variety of compression methods, however the most
common is LZW compression and I assume this is the type he's having problems
with. LZW requires licensing, just like GIF does. With PIL being a "free"
(as in beer) library on the basic level, you can't include anything that
requires a royalty like that. This is also the reason why it can't write
GIF files.
Fred; do you know if Targa has similar restrictions? TGA format is EASY to
write, but PIL only reads it, so I assume this is the case, correct?
(btw, it's good to see the 'fit' and autocontrast methods in PIL... thanks!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "K Schutte" <schutte@fel.tno.nl>
To: "Indu" <indu@swamicyber.com>
Cc: <image-sig@python.org>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Image-SIG] compressed TIFF images
> The Good(TM) method is to add support for the Tiff library to PIL,
> similar like JPEG support through the JPEG library.
> I also encountered similar problems using Tiff images (reading 16 bit
> unsigned Tiff's in my case with packed compression.) The bad things is
> that our solution is proprietary.
> Good luck,
> Klamer
> > Indu wrote:
> >
> > How can we open a compressed TIFF image using PIL?
> >
> > Can anyone help me?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Indu
> >
> --
> Klamer Schutte, E-mail: Schutte@fel.tno.nl
> Electro-Optical Systems, TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory
> Tel: +31-70-3740469 -- Fax: +31-70-3740654 -- Mobile: +31-6-51316671
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