[Image-SIG] Saving gifs with transparency

Will Stephenson will at stevello.free-online.co.uk
Mon Feb 16 07:34:11 EST 2004

Hello List

I'm using PIL to write text into comic-book style speech bubbles, but I'm 
having difficulty writing transparent gifs.  If you've got this working, 
could you have a look below and see what I'm doing wrong?

I'm using PIL 1.1.4, which should be the first version which doesn't need a 
patch to do this.  I 

1) load a gif with a transparent background, im.info['transparency'] is set
2) draw some (black) text on it on a non transparent area
3) save it out again.  

Even if I just load the gif and save it again without drawing on it, 
transparency is lost.  I'm checking the result using Gimp and KDE image 
viewers as I see XV doesn't support transparency.

This is my test case:

·       im = Image.open( 'seethru.gif' )
·       if im.info.has_key('transparency'):
	·       print im.info['transparency']
·       im.save('newcopy.gif', 'GIF')

Drawing more transparent areas on the image eg:

draw.ellipse((10, 10, 50, 50), outline=im.info['transparency'], 

just comes out white, too.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've even checked the source of my 
library to see if it really has the transparency changes in GifImagePlugin!


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