[Image-SIG] Cookbook for making transparent indexed png images ?

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Wed Oct 27 20:04:34 CEST 2004


 I'm trying to generate a Transparent PNG image, supported
 by both Mozilla and IE6.0. The code below gets the job done for
 Mozilla, but fails for IE. 

 When I generate indexed PNG images, I get a black background instead
 of a transparent one.

 Moreover, I saw references in the mailing list to the
 .info['transparency'], but I do not know how to used it
 or even if this is still supported ?

 I would appreciate any hint or documentation pointers on the subject.

 best regards,
def make_label(label, fontsize, fg=(0,0,0), bg=(0,0,0)):
    font = ImageFont.truetype("FUNKY.TTF", fontsize)
    fontMask = Image.new("RGBA", (10,10), None)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(fontMask)
    sizex,sizey = draw.textsize(label, font=font)
    fontMask = fontMask.resize((sizex, sizey))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(fontMask)
    bimsize = (sizex, sizey)
    width, height = bimsize
    xoff = yoff = 0
    draw.text((xoff,yoff), label,fill=fg,font=font)
    # My ultimate goal was to generate transparent indexed images
    #fontMask = fontMask.convert('P', dither=Image.NONE,     #                             palette=Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # saw references to that in the mailing list


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