[Image-SIG] a bug in PIL?

Jim Tittsler jwt at OnJapan.net
Sat Oct 30 10:18:33 CEST 2004

On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 05:52:44PM +0300, Olli Rajala wrote:
> ask. Some guy said "After a quick look at setup.py I think this is a
> bug. EXTRA_COMPILE_ARGS is only defined if Tkinter is present but it
> is used outside the test for Tkinter." So, is this a bug or only an
> (un)documented feature? ;)

It is a known bug.  You can find a patch on the PIL 1.1.4
errata page:

> Oh, I don't have root-account in that machine (it's in my school) so
> is it possible to install/use PIL there?

I haven't tried it with PIL, but I would expect you can use the
--prefix=$HOME/lib switch for setup.py.  (And then adjust your
PYTHONPATH to include that directory.)

You might want to try PIL version 1.1.5 which is currently
being beta tested.  It has a new setup.py that streamlines the
build process.

Jim Tittsler             http://www.OnJapan.net/      GPG: 0x01159DB6
Python Starship          http://Starship.Python.net/
Ringo MUG Tokyo          http://www.ringo.net/rss.html

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