[Image-SIG] How to get the PIL object from an image buffer createdin C++?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Fri Sep 30 11:47:21 CEST 2005

"john taylor" wrote:

> I've produced a DLL from my C++ program, which gets an
> image from external hardware and saves to a buffer.
> How can I get the image data from the DLL in Python?
> The C functions are somehow implemented as follows:
> static char *ImageBuffer = NULL;
> int WriteImageBuffer(void)
> {
>    // acquire an image and write to the buffer
>    AcquireImg(ImageBuffer, params);
> }
> PyObject* GetImage(void)
> {
>    return Py_BuildValue("s#", &ImageBuffer, 640*480);
> }

you're passing in the address of the pointer, not the address of the
buffer.  try changing this to:

    return Py_BuildValue("s#", ImageBuffer, 640*480);

or, better:

    return PyString_FromStringAndSize(ImageBuffer, 640*480);

(your malloc/pystring/fromstring approach does a of extra copying, but
I suppose you can start worrying about that only if you find that it's not
fast enough...)


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