[Image-SIG] read image into an array

Marcin Szkudlarek marcin.szkudlarek at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 14:03:56 CET 2006

Hello everyone,

I'm doing image processing on 8-bit gray color images.
This code loads the data into array:

    self.im     = Image.open("example.bmp")
    self.image  = zeros([self.im.size[0], self.im.size[1]], Int)

    i = 0
    while(i < self.im.size[0]):
      j = 0
      while(j < self.im.size[1]):
        self.image[i,j] = self.im.getpixel((i, j))

Is there a faster way to do it? For example using getdata() method of Image
And later how I can convert above array into Image without using slow
putpixel method?

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