[Image-SIG] Highlight Graphic according to data

"Jürgen Kemeter" juergenkemeter at gmx.de
Mon Feb 20 00:02:50 CET 2006



I am thinking about using the Python Imaging Library to display the life
cycle of a hair follicle gene. This life cycle is divided into four main
1. Anagen
2. Catagen
3. Telogen
4. Exogen

Gene name and corresponding life cycle stage will be stored in a csv – file
or Excel Spreadsheet column.

In a picture of this life cycle, the corresponding gene stage should be
highlighted in some way.

The enclosed picture is a rough draft, but should give an idea how the life
cycle will look like. 

Is it possible to do this with a Python script? Will I have to store
different 'versions' of the life cylce, each one highlighting another stage?

As I am merely learning Python at the moment, it would be great to receive
tips regarding my project, thanks!


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