[Image-SIG] Problem using PIL with cx_freeze

Colin Brown Colin.Brown at metservice.com
Tue Nov 21 03:06:18 CET 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

PIL uses a dynamic mechanism to load plugins, and freeze tools sometimes

forget to include the plugins PIL needs.

the easiest way to solve this is to explicitly import the ones you need:

     import Image
     import PngImagePlugin
     import JpegImagePlugin
     # etc

for more on this, see:


Thanks Fredrik, that helped me get the software to run after freezing.

However I have one remaining inexplicable difference when I run the
frozen software in two different VMWare environments.

Environment 1:  Win2K (SP4), python2.3.5, pywin32-210.win32-py2.3,
PIL-1.1.5.win32-py2.3, pilwmf-1.0b2-20040224.win32-py2.3 and

Environemnt 2:  Win2K (SP4).

I have built and frozen the image in environment 1 and then copied the
frozen software across to environment 2. When I run the program two
different PNG images are created? The image is a chart product which has
coastal outlines, various symbols, labels and latitude/longitude grids
as a series of points. Upon visual examination the Env2 image is the
same as the Env1 image except for the lat/long grid "points" (small
solid dots).

I suspect that there is something else from within the PIL library that
it is using. I ran the unfrozen code interactively in Env1 with the "-v"
command line option to see what modules are called. I have included all
the dynamically-loaded .pyd modules into the freeze output directory and
imported all those within PIL that are mentioned; as follows:

import Image
import WmfPlugin
import PngImagePlugin, ImagePalette, ImageFile
import BmpImagePlugin, GifImagePlugin, JpegImagePlugin
import PpmImagePlugin, TiffImagePlugin

Previously I had tried "from PIL import *" but that did not seem to

Any further thoughts on what is missing would be appreciated.


Colin Brown

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