[Image-SIG] Need Tiff Help

Brad Allen brad at allendev.com
Wed May 16 03:18:46 CEST 2007

At 6:53 AM -0400 5/10/07, Steve Holden wrote:
>Edmond Chand wrote:
>>  Hello Folks,
>>  New to python and trying to make an text branding application to batch
>>  process Tif G4 images. Where do I start does anyone have anything similar
>>  they are working on, thanks for helping.
>I used to have some code that I used to draw the text images for my web
>site if you think that might help - you just want to draw text over an
>image, right?
>If you check the docs for the Imagedraw module you'll find it's not that
>scary. I have never used TIFFs, though there's no real reason to suspect
>that they'll be significantly different from other formats.
>Let me know if you want me to dredge up the code.

Unfortunately PIL doesn't support TIFF Group 4 compressed images; this
is an increasingly common form of TIFF compression used for black and
white images such as faxes. I have tried to contact PIL commercial support
but don't know if they are still in business since have not gotten a reply.

In response to this deficiency in PIL,  Michele Petrazzo created FreeImagePy
which uses ctypes to access the FreeImage library. However it is incomplete
and does not yet offer all the features of FreeImagePy, and I don't think
it has anything like Imagedraw (please correct me if I'm wrong Michele).

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