[Image-SIG] Antialiased text on transparent image fails?

Coen van der Kamp coen at reservoir.nl
Fri Sep 14 15:36:00 CEST 2007

Hi Laszlo,

Isn't this the way it should work? The alpha value of a pixel is treated 
the same way as any other channel. When a pixel is half covered by a 
shape, PIL wil draw 50% of the foreground and 50% of the background. In 
your case: a green shape 0, 255, 0, 255 (rgba) and background 255, 0, 0, 
0. If you take the average of the two you come up with R=128 in the 
pixel and will be visible for 50% A=128. Isn't this the desired effect? 
And if it would be a color? Don't you want the same to happen?

The solution? Render the shape on a 0,0,0,0 background. No red will be 
added, your half filled pixel with a correct alpha value will blend with 
new backgrounds as it is supposed to. You can save this image in various 
ways for later use.

Just my thought... and i hope it helps.


Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> Hi All,
> I tried to put a text on a transparent image. Here is a test:
> import Image
> import ImageDraw
> import ImageFont
> img = Image.new('RGBA',(100,20),(255,0,0,0))
> drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
> fnt = ImageFont.truetype("Vera.ttf",20) # 
> http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ttf-bitstream-vera/1.10/
> drawer.text((0,0),"ABCDE",font=fnt,fill="#00ff00")
> img.save("test.png") # Result image
> I'm working on a rendering engine but I created this example to show 
> the problem. The rendering engine should be able to create an image 
> with transparent parts, and one should be able to put the rendered 
> image on top of any other image.
> The problem itself: font edges are interpolated between the background 
> and foreground color. You can see it on the resulting image. If you 
> open the created "test.png" file in GIMP and use the color picker tool 
> then you can see values like:
> (203,52,0,52)
> (215,40,0,40)
> I think that this is bad. The background was fully transparent. If you 
> put a green object on a fully transparent thing, you should never see 
> any red in it. I believe that the result should be something like
> (0,52,0,52)
> (0,40,0,40)
> In other words, when antialiasing a text, the background pixel's color 
> should be weighted with its transparency. In my example, the 
> background pixel is fully red but should have zero weight.
> Workarounds?
> Working with black or white initial background is not a workaround, 
> because PIL will darken/lighten the pixels. I used red+green just to 
> make the problem more visible. A correct workaround is to use the 
> actual target background that will finally be used, but it is not a 
> good workaround. This is obvious: I want to render the result image 
> once, then put it on different target images. Rendering the result 
> image each time I need to put it on a target would be very slow.
> Can you please confirm if this is a bug in PIL?  Comments welcome.
> Best,
>   Laszlo
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