[Image-SIG] Converting 32Bit png to 8Bit png

pirmin.moesle at alpstein.de pirmin.moesle at alpstein.de
Wed Aug 27 12:18:53 CEST 2008

Hi guys,
I'm currently using pngnq (pngnq.sourceforge.net/) for postprocessing my pngs - converting the 32Bit RGBA pngs to 8Bit pngs.
Is there a way using PIL to prevent myself from the postprocessing job.
I do exactly need 2 ways of processing:
a) Convert the 32Bit RGBA png to a 8Bit RGB palette png
a) Convert the 32Bit RGBA png to a 8Bit RGBA palette png
Quite a lot research didn't answered my question. Hopefully I get some ideas here.
Thanks in advance.

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