[Image-SIG] PIL on intel based Mac not compiling

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio 2008 at pietrosperoni.it
Thu Jun 12 13:21:56 CEST 2008

Hi Christopher.

> If you are trying to put a MPL plot in a TK app, Matplotlib can do that
> directly -- no need to go through files, GIF or otherwise.

But how? How??
I keep on reading that it is possible, but I never find the 3 lines of
code that explains how. It is probably too obvious to explain it, but
it  is missing both in matplotlib tutorials, and in Tk tutorials (at
least I could not find it). There are some obscure references that
should be done through backends. But then no explenations are given on
how to install, import, activate, command and get obeyed by them
(whatever they are). Even wikipedia has only few lines on backend, and
the matplotlib page on backend (
http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/backends.html ) isn't very explicit
on how to actually use them.
You know just 5 lines of code of a simple program that imports all
that is necessary, makes a figure with a simple graph, and then shows
it in a simple widget with only that as a label or similar would go a
long way. FOr now I can just save the file, and reload it, but I am
planning to make much better interactive tools to study CA (cellular
automaton), and then I would really need to be able to interact with
Tk in a graphical way. Thanks if you (or anyone else) can help on

> Also, I'm not a TK user, but it seems very odd that GIF is the only format
> it understands -- with the patent issues around it, I"d think it would be
> the last choice for a single format.
> All that being said, if you want PIL on OS_X, get it here:
> http://www.pythonmac.org/packages/

Thanks! Just downloaded!

> (I thought that package was going to go up on the PIL download site, but I
> guess not yet)
> I suppose this is a good reminder to re-invigorate my effort to write a
> script to build PIL binaries on OS-X...

Now that would be greatly appreciated. As you know more and more of
the academic world is using python, using mac, using matplot. SO
having PIL available would be really good. Can you guys not get it as
part of the standard python installation?

Thanks again,
> -Chris
> --
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
> Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception
> Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

Dr. Pietro Speroni di Fenizio,

Post Doc at Artificial Life Laboratory
Research Institute in Networks
& Communications Engineering (RINCE)
Dublin City University

Home Page: http://www.pietrosperoni.it
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Home Address:
Pietro Speroni di Fenizio
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