[Image-SIG] support for python 3

joe oettinger joeoettinger at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 20:43:17 CEST 2010

In reply to Daniel Fetchinson:

Thanks Daniel. As you say, it's legitimate to not commit to a deadline or
timeline and there's nothing wrong with that.

I wasn't really asking for a deadline or timeline, just trying to get an
idea how the process is going.

Since PIL is an important Python library, having a general idea of how it's
going would be helpful to those who are thinking about learning Python and
trying to decide between Python 2.x and Python 3.x.

I'll give you an example:

My son is an engineer at TI. He writes programs in C, assembly(!) and
Matlab, but he told me he was thinking about learning Python with his son
Tim. The boy is 10, and it would be his first computer language. It would be
simpler for Tim to learn Python 3 than to learn Python 2 and then switch.
But I'm sure Tim would soon be interested in games and images à la Pygames,
hence PIL.

I  think it's wonderful what the authors of PIL have done and are doing. As
I mentioned, I'm a novice (though I just wrote a Python program that uses a
Tkinter GUI to access a dictionary whose keys are subjects and whose values
are files). So my offer to help rings a little hollow, but it's sincere.

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