[Image-SIG] A question

אלי eli_cohen at bezeqint.net
Thu Oct 7 21:23:03 CEST 2010



I wrote the python script below usind word editor.

1. How can I run it as a python script? It seems to be opened as a word

2. Where do I find the xbmc and xbmcgui libraries.






import xbmc, xbmcgui

#After that we create a class including some functions (defined by def) 

class MyClass(xbmcgui.Window):

  print 'hello world'

#So after that we initialize the class object and doModal() allows to always
display the graphical window until we exit it. The del is here to have a
#clean code and delete the class instance. 

mydisplay = MyClass()

mydisplay .doModal()



Regards, Eli Cohen

בברכה, אלי כהן


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