[Import-sig] The Western Web has just finished our new classified ad section. Please check it out and make sure that your classified ad has been moved. We are in the process of moving ads at this time, but would appreciate your help to insure that if your ad has been moved. If it hasn't been moved or you would like to place a new ad feel free to do so. We have added new sections in the classifieds, hay/feed/shavings, livestock, camelids, cattle, deer and elk, poultry, rabbits, sheep, livestock equipment, swine, donkeys, dogs and mules. We are currently receiving 100 new ads a day, and over 20,000 unique hits a day.

The Western Web sales@lookelu.com
Sat, 1 Jul 2000 16:27:43

The Western Web has just finished our new classified ad section.  Please check it out and make sure that your classified 
ad has been moved.  We are in the process of moving ads at this time, but would appreciate your help to insure that if 
your ad has been moved.  If it hasn't been moved or you would like to place a new ad feel free to do so.   We have 
added new sections in the classifieds, hay/feed/shavings, livestock, camelids, cattle, deer and elk, poultry, rabbits, 
sheep, livestock equipment, swine, donkeys, dogs and mules.  We are currently receiving 100 new ads a day, and over 
20,000 unique hits a day.

The new classified section is automated now and your ads will be posted immediatly.   You can also add Multi-Media files 
(photos, sound and video) on line.   This is a free service to you so use it at your will.

We have also finished the Western Web Search Engine, which is solely optimized for the western way of life.  Please 
stop by the search engine add your site.

Our message board is also now up and running so please use it .

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

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