[Import-SIG] PEP proposal: Per-Module Import Path

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 07:07:47 CEST 2013

On 2 August 2013 13:34, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2 Aug 2013 00:44, "Eric Snow" <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > This is pretty much exactly what I've been thinking about since PyCon.
>> > The only difference is that I have a distinct ModuleSpec class and modules
>> > would get a new __spec__ attribute.
>> And we can quit adding ever more magic attributes directly to the module
>> namespace. I like it.
> Yeah, that was part of what lead me to the idea.  This could be taken to
> some pretty great lengths (I've given it a lot of thought), but I'm trying
> hard to not do too much at once.  I wasn't even planning on pursuing
> ModuleSpec until 3.5, much less any of my more drastic ideas.
>> With that model, things might look vaguely like:
>> 1. Finders would optionally offer "get_module_spec" (although a better
>> name would be nice!)
> How about "find_module"? <.5 wink>  Actually, I'm pretty sure this can be
> done in a backward-compatible way (in not too much time I've roughed out an
> implementation that should work).  I would rather not introduce more API to
> the import system, but if that's preferable to hijacking (or improving
> <wink>) find_module() then I can live with that.  However, given the crowd
> that takes advantage of the import system APIs, I wouldn't consider the
> change disruptive as long as it's backward compatible.
> This would also allow us to deprecate PathEntryFinder.get_loader() which we
> wouldn't have needed if we'd had something like ModuleSpec.

I finally had a chance to look at your draft implementation. That's a
neat attempt at backwards compatibility, but I'm not sure it will work
properly - you already had to block out several interesting methods
for compatibility reasons, and there's a potential for conflict even
with the methods you did keep (since custom loaders may have
additional methods beyond those in the specs).

YAFM is annoying (Yet Another Method, I'll let you fill in the rest),
but I think it's better than trying to be too clever and accidentally
breaking things.

How about "find_import" as a new method name? And ImportSpec as the
class name, rather than ModuleSpec?

>> 4. We'd create a "SpecLoader" to offer backwards compatibility in the old
>> __loader__ attribute.
> Interesting.  I had anticipated loaders still sticking around, still exposed
> by module.__loader__ and filling most of their current role, especially with
> regard to the optional PEP 302 APIs.  I suppose we could deprecate the
> __loader__ attribute, and maybe even __package__, in favor of __spec__, but
> I don't think there's any rush to do so before Python 4000.

Yeah, I think having the spec as something people *don't* customise is
a good idea.

>> Slight(!) tangent from the original problem, but a worthwhile refactoring
>> issue to tackle, I think :)
> Yeah, even if it proves too big a change for 3.4 and we take some other
> approach for indirections, I think there's a lot to gain from separating the
> module specification from the module and from the loader.  I've attached a
> patch that does the bare minimum of what I think we'd want from ModuleSpec.
> I'll probably flesh out more of my ideas for it later.
> Of course, I don't want anything here to get in the way of the .ref PEP
> which I think has more concrete value.  So if this tangent threatens any
> chance at getting indirection files for 3.4, I'd rather defer any effort on
> these extras until 3.5 in favor of a simpler (if less desirable) approach.

I just realised there's another added bonus to this approach:
__spec__.__name__ will let us record the *real* name of modules
executed via -m, even with __name__ set to "__main__". So it could
also greatly simplify some aspects of PEP 395 :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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