From ncoghlan at Sun Jul 20 06:46:28 2014 From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan) Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:46:28 +1000 Subject: [Import-SIG] Volunteer needed: PEP to migrate extension module imports to PEP 451 for Python 3.5 Message-ID: <> Lobbing this out there in case someone else has the time or inclination to run with it before I do - I know Stefan has previously gone as far as creating a proto-PEP for the idea (, so perhaps he'd be willing to take up the gauntlet again, since Cython will hopefully be a key beneficiary here. I, uh, kinda have a lot on my plate already - and this is much easier to hand over to someone else than the complicated mess that is the interpreter startup sequence, let alone any of the other things (like metadata 2.0) that I don't think I could fully delegate even if I wanted to. So, my apologies for being the bottleneck on this for so long, this is me offering to step out of the way if someone else wants to run with the task of thrashing out the implementation and API details :) Since I had to do a bit of digging to rediscover some of the relevant details, a refresher course on where we got to prior to the 3.4 release: Back during the PEP 451 discussions, one of the things I pushed for was the ability for loaders to customise module *creation* in addition to initialisation. This was specifically to support migration of C extension module imports from the previous import hook design to the new one - currently, the module init function inside the extension is responsible for creating the module object, so migrating that in a backwards compatible fashion means being able to return that module as part of the loading process, rather than relying on one being automatically created by the Python interpreter. I posted a possible C level API design in Stefan's proto-PEP last year ( PyObject * PyImportCreate_<modulename>(PyObject *spec); /* Optional */ int PyImportExec_<modulename>(PyObject *mod); And I created an initial prototype implementation as described in covers some subsequent discussions I had with Stefan about the technical details. And then covered some of the limitations of the prototype, since it predated the actual implementation of PEP 451. In particular, reload handling still isn't well defined. PJE covered some of those reloading related concerns in more detail at - we haven't really fully resolved them at this point, but a full extension modules migration PEP would need to do so. I still like the basic concept of the PyImportCreate/Exec module as the new way to implement extension modules. The theory would be that taking an existing Python module and compiling it as a C extension instead could rely entirely on implementing PyImportExec (populating a standard module object with dynamically created types and function objects), and let the interpreter take care of providing the module object. One key advantage of this is that extension modules created this way would *automatically* support subinterpreters properly, since they wouldn't have any C level global state. Reloading of such modules would also be *much* closer in behaviour to reloading of their Python counterparts (since the PyImportExec function could just be rerun in the existing module, as happens with normal Python modules) PyImportCreate would then come into play in cases where there *was* C level global state that needed to be managed. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan at | Brisbane, Australia