[Import-SIG] PEP 489: Redesigning extension module loading

Petr Viktorin encukou at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 13:05:28 CEST 2015

Based on previous discussions, I've just sent a rewritten version of
PEP 489 to the PEP editors. I'm including a copy below.

There's a question I need help with: go with a new PyModuleDesc
structure, or stick with PyModuleDef and repurpose a currently unused
member. You can find the details in the text itself.

A wart I added is "singleton modules", necessary for
"PyState_FindModule"-like functionality. I wouldn't mind not including
this, but it would mean the new API can't replace all use cases of the
old PyInit_.

Let me know if you have any comments!

PEP: 489
Title: Redesigning extension module loading
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Petr Viktorin <encukou at gmail.com>,
        Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>,
        Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>
Discussions-To: import-sig at python.org
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 11-Aug-2013
Python-Version: 3.5
Post-History: 23-Aug-2013, 20-Feb-2015, 16-Apr-2015


This PEP proposes a redesign of the way in which extension modules interact
with the import machinery. This was last revised for Python 3.0 in PEP
3121, but did not solve all problems at the time. The goal is to solve them
by bringing extension modules closer to the way Python modules behave;
specifically to hook into the ModuleSpec-based loading mechanism
introduced in PEP 451.

This proposal draws inspiration from PyType_Spec of PEP 384 to allow extension
authors to only define features they need, and to allow future additions
to extension module declarations.

Extensions modules are created in a two-step process, fitting better into
the ModuleSpec architecture, with parallels to __new__ and __init__ of classes.

Extension modules can safely store arbitrary C-level per-module state in
the module that is covered by normal garbage collection and supports
reloading and sub-interpreters.
Extension authors are encouraged to take these issues into account
when using the new API.

The proposal also allows extension modules with non-ASCII names.


Python modules and extension modules are not being set up in the same way.
For Python modules, the module is created and set up first, then the module
code is being executed (PEP 302).
A ModuleSpec object (PEP 451) is used to hold information about the module,
and passed to the relevant hooks.

For extensions, i.e. shared libraries, the module
init function is executed straight away and does both the creation and
initialization. The initialization function is not passed the ModuleSpec,
or any information it contains, such as the __file__ or fully-qualified
name. This hinders relative imports and resource loading.

In Py3, modules are also not being added to sys.modules, which means that a
(potentially transitive) re-import of the module will really try to re-import
it and thus run into an infinite loop when it executes the module init function
again. Without the FQMN, it is not trivial to correctly add the module to
sys.modules either.
This is specifically a problem for Cython generated modules, for which it's
not uncommon that the module init code has the same level of complexity as
that of any 'regular' Python module. Also, the lack of __file__ and __name__
information hinders the compilation of "__init__.py" modules, i.e. packages,
especially when relative imports are being used at module init time.

Furthermore, the majority of currently existing extension modules has
problems with sub-interpreter support and/or interpreter reloading, and, while
it is possible with the current infrastructure to support these
features, it is neither easy nor efficient.
Addressing these issues was the goal of PEP 3121, but many extensions,
including some in the standard library, took the least-effort approach
to porting to Python 3, leaving these issues unresolved.
This PEP keeps backwards compatibility, which should reduce pressure and give
extension authors adequate time to consider these issues when porting.

The current process

Currently, extension modules export an initialization function named
"PyInit_modulename", named after the file name of the shared library. This
function is executed by the import machinery and must return either NULL in
the case of an exception, or a fully initialized module object. The
function receives no arguments, so it has no way of knowing about its
import context.

During its execution, the module init function creates a module object
based on a PyModuleDef struct. It then continues to initialize it by adding
attributes to the module dict, creating types, etc.

In the back, the shared library loader keeps a note of the fully qualified
module name of the last module that it loaded, and when a module gets
created that has a matching name, this global variable is used to determine
the fully qualified name of the module object. This is not entirely safe as it
relies on the module init function creating its own module object first,
but this assumption usually holds in practice.

The proposal

The current extension module initialization will be deprecated in favor of
a new initialization scheme. Since the current scheme will continue to be
available, existing code will continue to work unchanged, including binary

Extension modules that support the new initialization scheme must export
the public symbol "PyModuleExport_<modulename>", where "modulename"
is the name of the module. (For modules with non-ASCII names the symbol name
is slightly different, see "Export Hook Name" below.)

If defined, this symbol must resolve to a C function with the following

    PyModuleExport* (*PyModuleExportFunction)(void)

The function must return a pointer to a PyModuleExport structure.
This structure must be available for the lifetime of the module created from
it – usually, it will be declared statically.

The PyModuleExport structure describes the new module, similarly to
PEP 384's PyType_Spec for types. The structure is defined as::

    typedef struct {
        int slot;
        void *value;
    } PyModuleDesc_Slot;

    typedef struct {
        const char* doc;
        int flags;
        PyModuleDesc_Slot *slots;
    } PyModuleDesc;

The *doc* member specifies the module's docstring.

The *flags* may currently be either 0 or
``PyModule_EXPORT_SINGLETON``, described
in "Singleton Modules" below.
Other flag values may be added in the future.

The *slots* points to an array of PyModuleDesc_Slot structures, terminated
by a slot with id set to 0 (i.e. ``{0, NULL}``).

To specify a slot, a unique slot ID must be provided.
New Python versions may introduce new slot IDs, but slot IDs will never be
recycled. Slots may get deprecated, but will continue to be supported
throughout Python 3.x.

A slot's value pointer may not be NULL, unless specified otherwise in the
slot's documentation.

The following slots are available, and described later:

    * Py_mod_create
    * Py_mod_statedef
    * Py_mod_methods
    * Py_mod_exec

Unknown slot IDs will cause the import to fail with ImportError.

.. note::

    An alternate proposal is to use PyModuleDef instead of PyModuleDesc,
    re-purposing the m_reload pointer to hold the slots::

        typedef struct PyModuleDef {
            PyModuleDef_Base m_base;
            const char* m_name;
            const char* m_doc;
            Py_ssize_t m_size;
            PyMethodDef *m_methods;
            PyModuleDesc_Slot* m_slots;  /* changed from `inquiry m_reload;` */
            traverseproc m_traverse;
            inquiry m_clear;
            freefunc m_free;
        } PyModuleDef;

    This would simplify both the implementation and the API, at the expense
    of renaming a member of PyModuleDef, and re-purposing a function pointer as
    a data pointer.

Creation Slots

The following slots affect module creation phase, i.e. they are hooks for
They serve to describe creation of the module object itself.


The Py_mod_create slot is used to support custom module subclasses.
The value pointer must point to a function with the following signature::

    PyObject* (*PyModuleCreateFunction)(PyObject *spec, PyModuleDesc *desc)

The function receives a ModuleSpec instance, as defined in PEP 451,
and the PyModuleDesc structure.
It should return a new module object, or set an error
and return NULL.

This function is not responsible for setting import-related attributes
specified in PEP 451 [#pep-0451-attributes]_ (such as ``__name__`` or
``__loader__``) on the new module.

There is no requirement for the returned object to be an instance of
types.ModuleType. Any type can be used, as long as it supports setting and
getting attributes, including at least the import-related attributes.

If a module instance is returned from Py_mod_create, the import machinery will
store a pointer to PyModuleDesc in the module object so that it may be
retrieved by PyModule_GetDesc (described later).

.. note::

    If PyModuleDef is used instead of PyModuleDesc, the def is stored
    instead, to be retrieved by PyModule_GetDef.

Note that when this function is called, the module's entry in sys.modules
is not populated yet. Attempting to import the same module again
(possibly transitively), may lead to an infinite loop.
Extension authors are advised to keep Py_mod_create minimal, an in particular
to not call user code from it.

Multiple Py_mod_create slots may not be specified. If they are, import
will fail with ImportError.


The Py_mod_statedef slot is used to allocate per-module storage for C-level
The value pointer must point to the following structure::

    typedef struct PyModule_StateDef {
        int size;
        traverseproc traverse;
        inquiry clear;
        freefunc free;
    } PyModule_StateDef;

The meaning of the members is the same as for the corresponding members in

Specifying multiple Py_mod_statedef slots, or specifying Py_mod_statedef
together with Py_mod_create, will cause the import to fail with ImportError.

.. note::

    If PyModuleDef is reused, this information is taken from PyModuleDef,
    so the slot is not necessary.

Execution slots

The following slots affect module "execution" phase, i.e. they are processed in
They serve to describe how the module is initialized – e.g. how it is populated
with functions, types, or constants, and what import-time side effects
take place.

These slots may be specified multiple times, and are processed in the order
they appear in the slots array.

When using the default import machinery, these slots are processed after
import-related attributes specified in PEP 451 [#pep-0451-attributes]_
(such as ``__name__`` or ``__loader__``) are set and the module is added
to sys.modules.


This slot's value pointer must point to an array of PyMethodDef structures.
The specified methods are added to the module, like with PyModuleDef.m_methods.

.. note::

    If PyModuleDef is reused this slot is unnecessary, since methods are
    already included in PyModuleDef.


The function in this slot must have the signature::

    int (*PyModuleExecFunction)(PyObject* module)

It will be called to initialize a module. Usually, this amounts to
setting the module's initial attributes.

The "module" argument receives the module object to initialize. This will
always be the module object created from the corresponding PyModuleDesc.
When this function is called, import-related attributes (such as ``__spec__``)
will have been set, and the module has already been added to sys.modules.

If PyModuleExec replaces the module's entry in sys.modules,
the new object will be used and returned by importlib machinery.
(This mirrors the behavior of Python modules. Note that for extensions,
implementing Py_mod_create is usually a better solution for the use cases
this serves.)

The function must return ``0`` on success, or, on error, set an exception and
return ``-1``.

Legacy Init

If the PyModuleExport function is not defined, the import machinery will try to
initialize the module using the PyInit hook, as described in PEP 3121.

If PyModuleExport is defined, PyModuleInit will be ignored.
Modules requiring compatibility with previous versions of CPython may implement
PyModuleInit in addition to the new hook.

Modules using the legacy init API will be initialized entirely in the
Loader.create_module step; Loader.exec_module will be a no-op.

XXX: Give example code for a backwards-compatible Init based on slots

.. note::

    If PyModuleDef is reused, implementing the PyInit hook becomes easy:

        * call PyModule_Create with the PyModuleDef (m_reload was ignored in
          previous Python versions, so the slots array will be ignored).
          Alternatively, call the Py_mod_create function (keeping in mind that
          the spec is not available with PyInit).
        * call the Py_mod_exec function(s).

Subinterpreters and Interpreter Reloading

Extensions using the new initialization scheme are expected to support
subinterpreters and multiple Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize cycles correctly.
The mechanism is designed to make this easy, but care is still required
on the part of the extension author.
No user-defined functions, methods, or instances may leak to different
To achieve this, all module-level state should be kept in either the module
dict, or in the module object's storage reachable by PyModule_GetState.
A simple rule of thumb is: Do not define any static data, except built-in types
with no mutable or user-settable class attributes.


To retrieve the PyModuleDesc structure used to create a module,
a new function will be added::

    PyModuleDesc* PyModule_GetDesc(PyObject *module)

The function returns NULL if the parameter is not a module object, or was not
created using PyModuleDesc.

.. note::

    This is unnecessary if PyModuleDef is reused: the existing
    PyModule_GetDef can be used instead.

Singleton Modules

Modules defined by PyModuleDef may be registered with PyState_AddModule,
and later retrieved with PyState_FindModule.

Under the new API, there is no one-to-one mapping between PyModuleSpec
and the module created from it.
In particular, multiple modules may be loaded from the same description.

This means that there is no "global" instance of a module object.
Any C-level callbacks that need access to the module state need to be passed
a reference to the module object, either directly or indirectly.

However, there are some modules that really need to be only loaded once:
typically ones that wrap a C library with global state.
These modules should set the PyModule_EXPORT_SINGLETON flag
in PyModuleDesc.flags. When this flag is set, loading an additional
copy of the module after it has been loaded once will return the previously
loaded object.
This will be done on a low level, using _PyImport_FixupExtensionObject.
Additionally, the module will be automatically registered using
PyState_AddSingletonModule (see below) after execution slots are processed.

Singleton modules can be retrieved, registered or unregistered with
the interpreter state using three new functions, which parallel their
PyModuleDef counterparts, PyState_FindModule, PyState_AddModule,
and PyState_RemoveModule::

    PyObject* PyState_FindSingletonModule(PyModuleDesc *desc)
    int PyState_AddSingletonModule(PyObject *module, PyModuleDesc *desc)
    int PyState_RemoveSingletonModule(PyModuleDesc *desc)

.. note::

    If PyModuleDef is used instead of PyModuleDesc, the flag would be specified
    as a slot with NULL value, i.e. ``{Py_mod_flag_singleton, NULL}``.
    In this case, PyState_FindModule, PyState_AddModule and
    PyState_RemoveModule can be used instead of the new functions.

.. note::

    Another possibility is to use PyModuleDef_Base in PyModuleDesc, and
    have PyState_FindModule and friends work with either of the two structures.

Export Hook Name

As portable C identifiers are limited to ASCII, module names
must be encoded to form the PyModuleExport hook name.

For ASCII module names, the import hook is named
PyModuleExport_<modulename>, where <modulename> is the name of the module.

For module names containing non-ASCII characters, the import hook is named
PyModuleExportU_<encodedname>, where the name is encoded using CPython's
"punycode" encoding (Punycode [#rfc-3492]_ with a lowercase suffix),
with hyphens ("-") replaced by underscores ("_").

In Python::

    def export_hook_name(name):
            encoded = b'_' + name.encode('ascii')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            encoded = b'U_' + name.encode('punycode').replace(b'-', b'_')
        return b'PyModuleExport' + encoded


    =============  ===========================
    Module name    Export hook name
    =============  ===========================
    spam           PyModuleExport_spam
    lančmít        PyModuleExportU_lanmt_2sa6t
    スパム          PyModuleExportU_zck5b2b
    =============  ===========================

Module Reloading

Reloading an extension module using importlib.reload() will continue to
have no effect, except re-setting import-related attributes.

Due to limitations in shared library loading (both dlopen on POSIX and
LoadModuleEx on Windows), it is not generally possible to load
a modified library after it has changed on disk.
Use cases for reloading other than trying out a new version of the module
are too rare to require all module authors to keep reloading in mind.
If reload-like functionality is needed, authors can export a dedicated
function for it.

Multiple modules in one library

To support multiple Python modules in one shared library, the library can
export additional PyModuleExport* symbols besides the one that corresponds
to the library's filename.

Note that this mechanism can currently only be used to *load* extra modules,
not to *find* them.

Given the filesystem location of a shared library and a module name,
a module may be loaded with::

    import importlib.machinery
    import importlib.util
    loader = importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader(name, path)
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader)
    return importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

On platforms that support symbolic links, these may be used to install one
library under multiple names, exposing all exported modules to normal
import machinery.

Testing and initial implementations

For testing, a new built-in module ``_testimportmodexport`` will be created.
The library will export several additional modules using the mechanism
described in "Multiple modules in one library".

The ``_testcapi`` module will be unchanged, and will use the old API
indefinitely (or until the old API is removed).

The ``_csv`` and ``readline`` modules will be converted to the new API as
part of the initial implementation.

Possible Future Extensions

The slots mechanism, inspired by PyType_Slot from PEP 384,
allows later extensions.

Some extension modules exports many constants; for example _ssl has
a long list of calls in the form::

    PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN",

Converting this to a declarative list, similar to PyMethodDef,
would reduce boilerplate, and provide free error-checking which
is often missing.

String constants and types can be handled similarly.
(Note that non-default bases for types cannot be portably specified
statically; this case would need a Py_mod_exec function that runs
before the slots are added. The free error-checking would still be
beneficial, though.)

Another possibility is providing a "main" function that would be run
when the module is given to Python's -m switch.
For this to work, the runpy module will need to be modified to take
advantage of ModuleSpec-based loading introduced in PEP 451.
Also, it will be necessary to add a mechanism for setting up a module
according to slots it wasn't originally defined with.


Work-in-progress implementation is available in a Github repository [#gh-repo]_;
a patchset is at [#gh-patch]_.

Previous Approaches

Stefan Behnel's initial proto-PEP [#stefans_protopep]_
had a "PyInit_modulename" hook that would create a module class,
whose ``__init__`` would be then called to create the module.
This proposal did not correspond to the (then nonexistent) PEP 451,
where module creation and initialization is broken into distinct steps.
It also did not support loading an extension into pre-existing module objects.

Nick Coghlan proposed "Create" and "Exec" hooks, and wrote a prototype
implementation [#nicks-prototype]_.
At this time PEP 451 was still not implemented, so the prototype
does not use ModuleSpec.

The original version of this PEP used Create and Exec hooks, and allowed
loading into arbitrary pre-constructed objects with Exec hook.
The proposal made extension module initialization closer to how Python modules
are initialized, but it was later recognized that this isn't an important goal.
The current PEP describes a simpler solution.


.. [#lazy_import_concerns]

.. [#pep-0451-attributes]

.. [#stefans_protopep]

.. [#nicks-prototype]

.. [#rfc-3492]

.. [#gh-repo]

.. [#gh-patch]


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