[Inpycon] ChennaiPy Bids For PyCon India 2010

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Wed Dec 16 08:27:14 CET 2009

On Wednesday 16 Dec 2009 12:37:23 pm Anand Chitipothu wrote:
> > Chennai proposal looks pretty good to me, but I guess we will need to
> > take a formal call during a meeting called by President of
> > the newly formed society.
> "President of the newly formed society"!
> That sounds scary. I hope this formalism won't push hackers away.

most well run societies and clubs do things by informal consensus - meetings 
are usually very brief and mainly just to rubberstamp decisions already taken. 
So the call will be made by this list - and the society will endorse it. btw, 
as mentioned, I was held up by some deadlines and will be going to Ooty on the 
19th and will sit with the lawyer and finish up the society thing. Signing may 
take some time, but once done, registration is fast - especially if we do not 
mind doing it on a tuesday.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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