[Inpycon] ChennaiPy Bids For PyCon India 2010

Ramdas S ramdaz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 10:30:02 CET 2009

Let me clarify, see we may have calls from other cities too tomorrow. I am
completely in for doing it in Chennai next year, but we must discuss it
before finalizing it. I think the normal practice is that a meeting whether
offline or online should be called, and discuss. We did that number of times
for Pycon Bangalore, and we must do that before formally awarding it to

There was earlier an inquiry from someone in Delhi who wanted to do it in

There must be overall consensus.

The proposal looks pretty good to me, especially the A/C Halls.

I was under the impression that once a society is formed, then there need to
be a formal call for a meeting from an office bearer.

Let's not overformalise it. I don't think that the president or any office
> bearer of the society will have any extra weight in deciding where the
> conference is to be held. The city/venue/date should be discussed on
> inpycon, we all (ie. whoever is interested) should +1/-1 the proposal and
> finally do it. The society should not have any veto power or be able to flex
> it's muscles to force events to take place in one city or another.
> I for one welcome the enthusiasm from ChennaiPy.
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in

Ramdas S
+91 9342 583 065
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