[Inpycon] society registration

Sreekanth S Rameshaiah sree at mahiti.org
Thu Nov 19 06:23:30 CET 2009

2009/11/18 Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org>

> hi,
> we have discussed with the registar in Ooty and he assures us that this
> registration can be done 'under rupees 1000'. Now you all know why I do not
> practice law!
> anyway, I will draft the MOA and bye-laws and submit them to you in a
> couple
> of days (no cost). I will handle the registration - all legitimate expenses
> will be billed to the society (should be a few hundred rupees plus lawyers
> fees of 1000 - I am not the lawyer). The illegitimate expenses, we have to
> bear - if anyone feels like chipping in, fine - otherwise I will pay for
> it.

I will share these expenses. Let me know how much it is and we can workout
the details offline.
- sree
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