[Inpycon] Registering society (Was: Re: FOSS PyCon)

kausikram krishnasayee kausikram at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 05:26:26 CEST 2009

> since I have not practised law for some time, I may be wrong on specifics

or maybe there was something that i completely missed. i think the broad
consensus is on being a regular periodic election to avoid
people squatting on the board for too long. :D

otherwise how does the suggestion sound to you ??

Kausikram Krishnasayee
Company: http://silverstripesoftware.com | Webpage: kausikram.net | Blog:
chaosbudha.blogspot.com | Twitter: http://twitter.com/kausikram | Email:
kausikram at gmail.com | Mobile: +91 9884246490
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