[Inpycon] diversity [was]Tutorials

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 05:18:36 CEST 2011

On Wed, 2011-04-20 at 07:59 +0530, satyaakam goswami wrote:
> > and to dispel another myth, a lot of them were multitasking. But the
> > long term effect in terms of joining the community is not happening.
> >
> did you probe more to find why ? 

afaik it is a cultural thing - most people I know, join in communities
because the enjoy it and have fun. Take T shirts - most girls from
smaller places (who are usually more dedicated) cannot wear T shirts (or
jeans), so one motivation to attend a conference is gone ;-) But as far
as the Indian python community is concerned, we have not reached the
stage of worrying about diversity - we still in the stage of building a
viable community.

Kenneth Gonsalves

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