[Inpycon] Suggestions for the next PyCon

Nigel Babu nigelbabu at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 10:30:55 CEST 2013

Hi there,

PyCon was great and congratulations to the organizers and volunteers. I want
to bring up a few things I thought we should think of doing before I forget.

* Actually conference being on Friday and Saturday.
This is probably a bit debatable. We'd have people needing to take a day off
from work or college on Friday to attend. But the advantage is that people get
a day off to recover instead of heading back to work or college directly on

* Schedule printed on a sheet small enough to carry.
We had a large pouch for the ID card. If the schedule was printed small enough
to fit in there, that'd have been incredibly useful. I know this is challenging
enough with last minute changes, but just a thought.

* Schedule stuck outside the halls and in the common areas.
I only noticed the schedule outside the main auditorium. It'd have been nice to
have it displayed near the second one as well.

* A separate page on the website with a very lightweight schedule.
I'm thinking on the lines of a text file. Conference internet can be a little
unspectacular. It'd be nice to be able to see the schedule even on slow

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