[Inpycon] Development Sprints

Noufal Ibrahim KV noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Thu Oct 16 10:24:48 CEST 2014

On Thu, Oct 16 2014, Rejy M Cyriac wrote:


> +1
> Discouraging first-time speakers is a very negative, selfish, and
> self-destructive path to follow. Open source is all about
> inclusiveness.  Competitive we can strive to be, but not exclusive.


I'm all for inclusiveness and the rest of what you've suggested. All I'm
saying is that all gatherings/events are not for all audiences.

I wouldn't run a development sprint with a first timer student as a
mentor. Would you? 

I'd go even further. I think that actually discouraging iexperienced
speakers and trying to get the more experienced folk to present would
actually help first timers (in the audience) more. 

To wit, it's much more valuable for me, as a student, to listen to
someone who's actually built a production website with, for example,
flask rather than to listen to my college buddy presenting an "intro to
flask" talk at a conference that claims to be the "premier Python
conference in India".

We, as a community, should make avenues open for first time speakers,
presenters, programmers etc. I just don't think that these 20 odd talks
that are selected once a year for which people actually fly down and
stay in Bangalore should be that avenue.

In any case, I can see that my opinion is not widely held. I don't have
the energy and time to push against what seems to be a rising tide of
opposition so I'm going to end my mails on this topic.


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