[Inpycon] Talks in PyCon India (was Re: Development Sprints)

vijay kumar vnbang2003 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 04:53:53 CEST 2014

> Thoughts?

>> 3 days itself take lot of volunteer effort and it not easy job at all.

      I think problem we are discussing is that how to improve talk quality
for 2 days, by adding one more day we are not solving problem.

      Lets start thinking how to provide platform for presenter so they get
prepared before PyCon India. If we can address this issue we automatically
solve quality of talk problem.
      We need to reach out to old speakers to collect feedback from them(
We just collect feedback from audience) this will help us understand
speakers betters.

      Once we reach to a stage where our talk selection panel has hard time
to drop talks then we can think to increase no of days.
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