[Inpycon] Moving in.pycon.org to PSSI server

vignesh vignesh.sarma at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 17:03:37 CET 2015

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:30 PM, <anandology at gmail.com> wrote:

> Please setup the website on the new server and I'll start proxying it.
> That'll get website up and we continue working on the migration.

The new site is deployed at pycon.pssi.org.in/2015/ and the other
pycon.pssi.org.in/2014/ and pycon.pssi.org.in/2013/ etc are proxy passed to
 pycon.anandology.com as I already mentioned.

> I don't think it is a good idea to migrate without mail server setup.

That's also done.

> Anand
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 6:48 PM, vijay kumar <vnbang2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Vingesh/Krace/Anand,
>>      Please do the needful and get PyCon India 2015 website live. We have
>> already got our new website ready but can't get it live due to this blocker.
>> Note: We are already 2 month delayed and it becoming blocker for status
>> any PyCon India 2015 activities.
>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>>>  * Setup http server on new node serving in.pycon.org and proxy all
>>>>>>> requests to current in.pycon.org IP address (see dig in.pycon.org
>>>>>>> for IP) - Krace?
>>>> We got the server reimaged, pycon.pssi.org.in is setup and running on
>>>> it.
>>>> Older pycon sites are proxy_passed to pycon.anandology.com. (Once the
>>>> static dump is ready we can switch.)
>>> We don't have an MX record for that domain, it just follows CNAME record
>>> for emails. I suggest wait until the email server setup is done.
>>> I'm working on the dumps, expect something my Monday.
>>>> Can you do the needful to CNAME in.pycon.org to pycon.pssi.org by
>>>> writing to PSF folks?
>>>> Email server is yet to be setup, will update MX record once done.
>>> Sure, will ping them once the dumps are migrated.
>>> Anand
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>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Vijay
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