[Inpycon] Video Management in PyCon India 2015

Kiran Jonnalagadda jace at pobox.com
Wed Feb 18 21:42:18 CET 2015

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 1:05 AM, Shrayas rajagopal <shrayasr at gmail.com>

> Definitely understandable. In this case wouldn't it make sense to
> create 2 subteams? 1 for only recording and 1 for only editing? Having
> one do the other will bring in tiredness but separating them out might
> help?

As I mentioned earlier, Rahul and I were a two person team that did this at
JSFoo. I managed the video console and Rahul edited the previous session's
videos. Two persons per track is all it takes. (Plus more for standby in
case the crew want a break.)

Audio-Video sync is a problem only if you don't measure the lag in advance.
Add one hour to setup time to get this right (in reality, just 5-10 minutes
for properly trained crew.)


Kiran Jonnalagadda
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