[Inpycon] Announcing PyCon Pune 2017 & Call for Volunteers

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 03:01:39 EDT 2016


--- On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Prathamesh Chavan
<musicandprathamesh at gmail.com> wrote:
| I couldn't attend PyCon ... because of some reasons


A decentralized conference network can cater to different regions and
times, but, not a centralized one.

* Richard Stallman started the Free Software movement because he felt
there was a right to software freedom. His crusade for Free Software
can be read from:


* Linus Torvalds wanted a free kernel and the modification and
distribution of MINIX was restricted, and hence he wrote Linux.


* Sitaram Chamarthy (TCS, Hyderabad) wrote gitolite because he felt
there was a use case for fine-grained access control for Git. Today,
it is used to manage Git servers with directory-level access.

* "Foo Camp" (Friends of O'Reilly) is organized by O'Reilly media.
"Bar camp" was started to have a more ad-hoc conference setup. Each
serves its own intended audience.



None of these people asked you for your opinion! They felt there was a
need, and hence spear-headed and championed their work.

It is easy to criticize, but, it is hard to do constructive work. You
are entitled for your opinion. But, if all that you want to do is
complain, and wish to be known for the same, then I only feel sorry
for you.

Communities grow and flourish because of volunteers who do the ground work.



Shakthi Kannan

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