[Inpycon] [pythonpune] Re: Announcing PyCon Pune 2017 & Call for Volunteers
Swapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap)
me at coolsvap.net
Fri Nov 4 00:34:29 EDT 2016
On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:19 PM, Kushal Das <kushaldas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> To begin, let me apologize for the delay in response - I was traveling
> and wanted to take time to respond to this without escalating this
> further.
> The idea of having a PyCon in Pune started in July, before PyCon
> India in Delhi when Chandan sent an email to the local mailing list about
> hosting PyCon India in Pune next year. The email did not see a lot of
> responses and the thread died more or less as soon as it started. We
> (Chandan, Sayan, etc.) followed up that idea in Delhi and during those
> discussions people (including those from PSF) reminded us that there
> was absolutely no problem with doing more than one PyCon in one
> country, and that was encouraging. The idea of having more than one
> Python event in a year also seemed great because it meant we did not
> have to wait till September next year to meet again. The idea seemed
> great for another reason - we could have a slightly different focus
> for this PyCon, with the possibility of hosting developer sprints that
> will allow local developers to work with contributors to key Open
> Source projects like Django, CPython, etc.
> To see if this idea was even possible we reached out to some key
> contributors early to see if they could join us. In parallel Chandan
> sent out a call for volunteers in which he specifically mentioned that
> an organizing committee would be formed out of the volunteer group.
> He also sent out communication about the website initial draft and
> later the CfP.
> We have had almost 100 volunteers so far, some of whom have even
> started sending pull requests for the website design. I can't see
> what additional communication is necessary to urge those who have
> refused to sign up as volunteers, to get them to join us.
> That said, we would love to hear constructive feedback (that does not
> involve calling people 'shameless' or other names) and would like to
> know what else we can do to make the local community feel more
> involved if they already aren't. One idea is to send out a summary
> every week following our meetings for those who are unable to attend.
> We also have #pyconpune channel on Freenode server (IRC), where we
> are having live conversation among volunteers.
> Kushal
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This is a befitting reply to all the queries (and allegations) raised
for the event.
AFAICS the volunteers and organizers can concentrate the energy on the
event rather than keep the conversation alive.
All the best!
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