[Inpycon] Announcing PyCon Pune 2017 & Call for Volunteers

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Thu Nov 17 08:37:20 EST 2016

On Thursday 17 November 2016 06:45 PM, Thin Rhino wrote:
> On 17 November 2016 at 10:26, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan at gmail.com
> <mailto:shakthimaan at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Sad to hear that. I have stopped counting the number of times he has
>     gone back on his own words.

I believe this list is not for personal allegations and accusations but
the exact opposite - for a community to work together.
> Can you kindly remind me the number of time we have interacted, for you
> to make frivolous claims?
> As far as I remember that number is ZERO!!

Request to please keep decorum on the list. I believe we are all mature
people here.

Any further communication on this ideally should be between the parties


> Please go back to finding new links!
> -- 
> "Ship is safe at harbor but it is not made for that."
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Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org


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