[Inpycon] Announcing PyCon Pune 2017 & Call for Volunteers

Noufal Ibrahim KV noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Fri Oct 14 09:00:36 EDT 2016

On Fri, Oct 14 2016, Kushal Das wrote:


> Correct, that is why it is not PyCon India, instead the name is PyCon
> Pune. The idea behind PyCon from the website of PyCon[1] "These Python
> conferences bring together developers, application designers and
> business people in the international Python communities."


I suppose it's okay by the letter.

It's just that most of the PyCons I've heard of are at the country (or
greater) level and are internationally advertised and listed as
such[1]. It would be quite jarring to see a PyCon Kozhikode listed there
and a kozhikode.pycon.org domain name. :)

Local conferences usually have names related to the place or
organisation running them.

I like what the Ruby people have done. They have one India wide Rubyconf
every year and smaller (but regular) annual events like Garden City Ruby
Conference, Deccan Ruby etc. None of them step on the Rubyconf brand
name which is unofficially reserved for a national level, once a year
grand event that everyone looks forward to.

So that's my opinion in a nutshell. +1 for more regional conferences
(especially in Pune which has a good number of active pythonistas and
even hosted PyCon once before). I'd love to pitch in however I can to
make it happen too. -1 for reusing the name PyCon except for the main
once a year event.

[1]  http://www.pycon.org/


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