[Inpycon] Logo Design and Design Assets

Akshay Aradhya akshay95aradhya at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 13:03:24 EST 2017

The logo is good. We actually really need someone to design a few assets,
like a web banner / ux elements.

Examples : https://in.pycon.org/2015/images/pycon2015.png



On Fri, Nov 24, 2017, 6:39 PM Swati Jaiswal <jaiswalswati94 at gmail.com>

> Hi, Greetings for the day,
> On 16-Nov-2017 3:18 PM, "Akshay Aradhya" <akshay95aradhya at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Eveyone,
>>     If you are a designer or know any good designer who is willing to
>> contribute to PyCon India 2018, please ask him or her to join this mailing
>> list.
> Hi, If a helping hand is still needed, I know someone who does some
> animation and design work (not a professional though). I had asked him to
> take reference from Akshay's designs to come up with some sample, here is
> something he made:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1P96O9esQOM6oidE9bgaLlnVK5bDSk881.
> Please see and let me know if he seems good enough to contribute and I'll
> share his contact details.
> *Requirments :*
>>  - Any Vector based Image editing Program (Illustrator, Inkscape).
> He works with illustrator, not sure of inkscape.
>> Also we will need help in designing other design assets for the website
>> and Conference, like ID tags, cards, posters, banners, etc.
> Can do.
> Regards,
> Swati Jaiswal <http://swatij.me/>
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