[Inpycon] Copyright violation of PyCon India website by blockchain 2017 conference organizer

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Wed Nov 29 05:19:09 EST 2017

On 2017-11-29 15:43, Anand B Pillai wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 November 2017 03:22 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
>> I don't think we stand to gain anything from trying to enforcing this
>> except a lot of public bad will. What's the problem with letting 
>> someone
>> else use the design? We are a "community" thing aren't we?
> +1 for a Creative Commons ShareAlike License for PyCon India Assets[1].

Yeah. I was undecided on whether we should add a share alike clause but 
given the nature of things, I suppose that's what makes the most sense.

Also, considering that a lot of people have put in some amount of 
volunteer and paid work into doing this, we should probably add an 
attributions clause to the license. That way, anyone who uses the design 
would have to acknowledge that it was from us and the people who did the 
original work would get credit for their effort.

Like Krace said, it's nice that people are copying it from us. After 
all, the sincerest form of flattery is imitation. :)

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