[Inpycon] Regarding ReTweet Bot

Bibhas Ch Debnath me at bibhas.in
Sat Jun 2 14:41:59 EDT 2018


On Sat 2 Jun, 2018, 11:58 PM Rohith Gilla, <gillarohith1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have created this ReTweet bot for PyConIndia for social media posts.It
> Retweets for specific hashtags , mentions. It also retweets with reply,
> follow the person who tweeted using the hashtag.
> Please find this repo  @
> https://github.com/Rohithgilla12/PyCon-Twitter-Bot .
> This bot can be used every year by PyCon India social media by just
> changing the hashtag names and credentials. This bot can also be used for
> mass publicity like all the social media volunteers using this they can
> retweet and increase the hype of PyConIndia.

Appreciate the effort, but I'd suggest not to automate social media
communications. There *will* be unexpected scenarios. Its better if its
done manually and someone uses their own human sense to interact with

Social media interactions will require someone with experience as there
might be negative responses those have to be handled with care. Impulsive
responses need be avoided.

> Thanks,
> Rohith Gilla
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