[Inpycon] PyCon India 2018: Call for Session Chairs

Ananyo Maiti ananyoevo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 11:10:53 EDT 2018

Hi all,
PyCon India 2018 is just 8 days away and we are working hard to make this
event awesome. One important task for the Conference is to ensure that all
Sessions run smoothly and speakers and attendees have a good experience
while attending the tasks. This is made possible by Session Chairs who run
the show for each Track on the Conference day. They are the one who is the
single Point of contact for the Speakers for the Talks and make the
experience of the conference richer.

So we are pleased to announce the Call for Session Chairs. Please read this
doc [1] to know the roles and responsibilities of a session chair.

# Who can be a Session Chair ?
Anyone who has some prior experience in organizing an event can become a
session. If you are interested to become a session Chair please fill this
form [2] .

Once the session chairs are finalized we will communicate them further
details and assign them to a Track.

See you all at PyCon India 2018 !

[2]: https://goo.gl/forms/YkiTxCGF6A02hcvO2


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