[Inpycon] Regarding call for Participation to Promote Pycon India 2019

Rengaraj D sakthirengaraj at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 23:02:13 EST 2019

Hi Everyone,
Being a national conference, the message of PyCon India 2019
should ideally reach every Python developer in this country. That
sure is a hard goal to reach. But if we can put in the best of
our efforts we can definitely reach a large section of the
Python developers in this country.

As part of this promotion effort, we are forming a work group to promote
PyCon India 2019 in local
usergroups, meetup groups, companies, colleges and institutions
across India. We are looking for region-wise owners to help in
promoting the event.

The role of each region-wise owner, will be to promote PyCon
India 2019 in a particular geographical region or community. This
will involve sending notification and announcements to local
mailing lists, making announcements during meetups, putting up
posters on notice boards, etc.

For more details and for participating in this effort, please
visit https://github.com/pythonindia/inpycon2019-tasks/wiki/Promotion

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