[Inpycon] Inpycon Digest, Vol 128, Issue 9
Kurian Benoy
kurian.bkk at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 23:53:03 EDT 2020
> Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 16:43:46 +0530
> From: Ananya Maiti <ananyoevo at gmail.com>
> To: Mailing list for the PyCon India conference <inpycon at python.org>
> Subject: [Inpycon] Keynote Speaker Suggestions for PyCon India 2020
> Message-ID:
> <CA+x1+wdeW9Ca7HbtA6DohLtH7R8f1CpU7bk0QfsB1XUvRcF6Vg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Hello Everyone,
> Last Thursday, we sent the proposal for PyCon India 2020 at Bangalore,
> and we have already started prepping up for the conference. The date
> and venue are available on the website[1] now.
> We want to start the process of selecting Keynote Speakers for PyCon
> India 2020. For people new to the conference, the keynotes at PyCon
> India, are inspiring talks from speakers, that leave a lasting impact
> on the conference attendees. The keynote speakers also help to tip the
> scales for people having second thoughts about attending the
> conference. This increases participation in the conference and
> enriches the overall experience of the conference.
> As indicated in the CFP MoM, we will have 4 keynote speakers. Please
> send in your keynote speaker suggestion to the mailing list. Please
> send in one keynote speaker suggestion per mail, containing a brief
> description of the speaker or Speaker Bio-Link. If you like a speaker
> suggestion, use +1 style voting to indicate a preference for a
> particular keynote speaker.
> We will start approaching keynote speakers in the order of preference
> within the next two weeks.
> As a gentle reminder, please do not use top-posting for the email
> thread as it will be harder to follow the conversation.
> In case you want to chime in for the PyCon India 2020 discussion, you
> can join the #2020/discussion stream in PyCon India Zulip[2] domain.
> [1] : https://in.pycon.org/2020/
> [2] : https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/
> Regards,
> Ananya
Kushal Das
I propose Kushal Das[0] due to his significant contributions to free
and open source communities around the world. Kushal Das is a CPython
Core Developer and lone Indian serving as director of Python Software
Foundation[1]. He has worked on different aspects of the standard
library, including unit test and mock. He is also the author of
the draft “Local Packages Directory” PEP (PEP 582) along with many
other community members.
Kushal has inspired a whole generation of people to contribute to
upstream projects and has helped start DGPLUG and has conducted online
training to get more upstream developers from India. Kushal works as a
public interest technologist in non-profit called Freedom of the Press
Foundation. His day job is to maintain SecureDrop[2]. SecureDrop is an
open-source whistleblower submission system that media
organizations can install to securely accept documents from anonymous sources.
Kushal is also part of the core team of the Tor Project and a long
time contributor
to the Fedora Project. He has helped as a staff volunteer in Pycon US
and is an active part of other conferences all over the world.
Kurian Benoy
[0] https://kushaldas.in/
[1] https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/history/
[2] https://securedrop.org/
[3] https://github.com/kushaldas/
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