[IPython-dev] Problems with installation on Windows/Cygwin

Andrew Malcolmson andzy at imap.cc
Thu Jul 31 22:45:17 EDT 2003

Fernando Perez wrote:

> Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
>> A couple of installation problems on Windows 2k using the latest cvs 
>> and Python 2.3 rc2:
>> I've environment variables defined in Windows HOME=d:\andmalc\ 
>>  HOMEPATH='\'
>> Under Cygwin, $HOME translates to HOME=/home/andmalc/
>> Problem #1 Installing under regular Windows works fine though, 
>> contrary to
>> the docs, $HOME is ignored and the .ipython dir is installed to the 
>> root of
>> $HOMEDRIVE.  I had to set IPYTHONDIR to my $HOME\.ipython to get Ipython
>> look for the settings.
>> Problem #2 Installing from Cygwin zsh, the installation script fails 
>> trying
>> to use the following path to make the $HOME/.ipython dir:
>> /home/andmalc/d:\andmalc\.ipython\
>> Looks like it's using a path made from Cygwin/$HOME + Windows\HOME
> I'll have to look into this, thanks for the report.  The problem is 
> probably caused by my code mixing windows-specific code with unix-like 
> code, because the cygwin/windows setup is confusing it.
> Could you please tell me what sys.platform and os.name report in your 
> setup? With that info, maybe I can fix things a bit better.
> Thanks for the report.
> Best,
> Fernando.

Under Windows 2K:
sys.platform = win32
os.name = nt

Under Cygwin:
sys.platform = cygwin
os.name = posix

I just tried setting IPYTHONDIR before running setup.  This time the
setup completed successfully!  Of course, it would have been more 
convenient if the installer had recognized that $HOME was set.

One remaining problem with the Cygwin install is that it creates the 
.ipython/*rc files with .ini extensions but when ipython runs it looks 
for rc files without extensions, so you have to rename them.

Hope this helps.

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