From fperez at Tue Jan 6 17:17:34 2004 From: fperez at (Fernando Perez) Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 15:17:34 -0700 Subject: [IPython-dev] Shell capture magic introduced Message-ID: <> Hi all, after reading over all of your feedback (many thanks to all who responded) and actually needing the functionality for some work today, I decided to implement the shell capture system as a magic function. This cleans up the code (no new special syntax to worry about), and it makes the feature nicely fit within the existing framework. I called it sc (short for shell capture), deliberately choosing a very short name to minimize typing. This is a compromise to having a special syntax, which I feel balances well typing efficiency with simplicity. I've put the code already into CVS, and removed the exploratory $var=cmd functionality. Below is how it currently works, copied straight from an ipython session. Comments and suggestions are welcome before the 0.6 release. Regards, Fernando. ############# IPython session output: In [1]: pdoc sc Shell capture - execute a shell command and capture its output. @sc [options] varname=command IPython will run the given command using commands.getoutput(), and will then update the user's interactive namespace with a variable called varname, containing the value of the call. Your command can contain shell wildcards, pipes, etc. The '=' sign in the syntax is mandatory, and the variable name you supply must follow Python's standard conventions for valid names. Options: -l: list output. Split the output on newlines into a list before assigning it to the given variable. By default the output is stored as a single string. -v: verbose. Print the contents of the variable. In [2]: sc a=ls *sin* In [3]: sc -v a=ls *sin* a == 'ftest_sin16_1d.c\nftest_sin_1d.c\nftest_sin2_1d.c\nftest_sin2_2d.c\nftest_sin2_3d.c\nftest_sin_2d.c\nftest_sin_3d.c\nftest_sin64_1d.c' In [4]: sc -l -v a=ls *sin* a == ['ftest_sin16_1d.c', 'ftest_sin_1d.c', 'ftest_sin2_1d.c', 'ftest_sin2_2d.c', 'ftest_sin2_3d.c', 'ftest_sin_2d.c', 'ftest_sin_3d.c', 'ftest_sin64_1d.c'] # You can capture a file as lines trivially: In [5]: sc -l -v g=cat ftest_gauss_sharp_1d.c g == ['#include <math.h>', '', 'static double dsqrarg;', '#define DSQR(a) ((dsqrarg=(a)) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : dsqrarg*dsqrarg)', '', '// Globals', 'const double alpha = 100000; // Width of the Gaussian', '', '#define FUNCTION_NAME ftest_gauss_sharp', '#define NDIM 1', '', 'double FUNCTION_NAME(double x) {', ' double r2 = DSQR(x-0.5);', ' return exp(-alpha*r2);', '}'] # You can even use pipes: In [14]: sc -v a=grep NAME *.c | grep const a == 'ftest_const_1d.c:#define FUNCTION_NAME ftest_const\nftest_const_1d.c:double FUNCTION_NAME(double x) {'